Sporty’s Pilot Shop has announced new ways for pilots to maintain FAA Wings program proficiency. The company’s recreational and private pilot and instrument rating courses, among others, now allow for Wings credit. Complete the courses as a review session and get Wings credit. In total, some 15 courses qualify for credit.
Taking those courses is even easier than ever, given Sporty’s shift to mobile. For $49.95 extra with every course price, pilots can access the video portions of the courses through multiple handheld devices, such as an iPhone, iPad, and many other smartphones. The videos have been optimized for use through wireless networks and for use over cellular phone networks. For your in-cockpit and flight planning use, Sporty’s now offers a $4.99 E6B application for iPhones. The app, available in about two weeks through the Apple online store, includes 23 E6B functions, 14 conversions, and many timer features—the same features found on the company’s handheld E6B systems. For your more leisurely reading, the company now offers a new e-book from its library, Richard Collins’ Air Crashes—the first of many e-books to come. The $9.99 book is usable on most any e-reader device.
Sporty’s has long been the provider of AOPA insignia merchandise. The shirts, hats, and many other products are now grouped in the new AOPA Online Store. The store is also accessible from a shopping icon on the top of AOPA Online near the search box.