Texas Skyways of Boerne, Texas, plans to expand its Cessna re-engining business to include a 310-horsepower Continental IO-550-N engine for the Cessna 182 S and T models. It is hoped the STC will be awarded by the FAA in July or August.
Jack Johnson of Texas Skyways said a converted Cessna 182 should cruise in excess of 160 KIAS. The cost is expected to be $65,000 to $75,000.
The company has offered engine conversions for the Cessna 182 since 1964 and has converted 800 aircraft. The conversions include the 285-hp O-550 F/TS and 280-hp O-520 F/TS engines for the Cessna 182.
The company also offers engine conversions for the Cessna 180,185, 205, 206, 207, and 210 models.