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Exhibit hall excitement


One of the more unusual exhibits on this year’s exhibit floor at AOPA Aviation Summit in the Long Beach Convention Center is the “airplane that drives”—the Terrafugia Transition. The concept-to-reality design will be on display for you to view up close.

In addition, join Anna Mracek Dietrich, Chief Operating Officer of Terrafugia, for the Nov. 12 keynote address on AOPA Live in the exhibit hall. Dietrich sat down with AOPA Editor in Chief Tom Haines at AirVenture to talk about the Terrafugia’s progress, but she’ll have more to reveal at Summit.

While you are checking out all of the aircraft and products in the exhibit hall, make sure to stop by the Women’s Wing, booth number 217, hosted by Women in Aviation, International (WAI) to see informative presentations, enter daily prize drawings, and mingle with inspirational women aviators. The wing will offer activities every day, but you can spend more time with some of the leading ladies in the aviation industry on Nov. 11 during the “Women Leaders in Aviation” Dine Around. At the Dine Around, meet honorary hosts WAI President Peggy Chabrian, airshow performer Patty Wagstaff, WASP Bee Haydu, Dietrich, and Major Samantha Weeks. (Purchase a ticket online).

DTC DUATIf you want to learn more about air traffic control, join fellow pilots at the AOPA Controller’s Corner, booth number 1219, which is hosted by the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA). Find out what it’s like to be on the other side of the mic and chat personally with air traffic controllers. Bring the questions you’ve always wanted to ask!

The Internet Café returns again to the show floor, provided by Diamond Sponsor DTC DUAT. Make sure to stop by booth numbers 1011 and 817 to make full use of complimentary online access to the Internet during show hours.

But these booths are just a few highlights of the exhibitors that will fill the convention center. Take a look at the current list of exhibitors, and their locations, and plan which you’ll want to visit.

Book your hotel early and register online to be assured of show discounts before the October deadline, or call 888/462-3976.

AOPA Aviation Summit, general aviation’s premier event, will take place in Long Beach, Calif., from Nov. 11 through 13. —By AOPA Aviation Summit staff

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