Did you know that you can now join the AOPA Foundation’s monthly giving program? As a dedicated pilot and friend of general aviation you can make a profound impact on the future of GA through regular, tax-deductible, automatic monthly payments.
For as little as $10 a month, you can join AFI’s monthly giving program and gain the satisfaction of knowing that you are supporting the AOPA Foundation’s mission of keeping pilots safe and safeguarding the future of GA. As a participant in the AOPA Foundation’s monthly giving program, you will also receive recognition of your commitment to general aviation, and fewer solicitations. You can change your pledge amount or cancel at any time. Your monthly contribution will be charged automatically to your credit card. Visit the website or call at 800-872-2672 to become part of this program.
Aircraft owners have watched the value of their aircraft drop over the past few years, and the resulting buyer’s market has offered remarkably low prices for those able to purchase. Vref’s graph shows the price curve climbing as of June. Sellers are crossing their fingers and hoping that the upward trend will continue, and buyers should realize that the purchasing opportunities of recent years may be coming to an end.
To help identify which aircraft would be right for you, check out AOPA’s online collection of aircraft fact sheets, offering synopses for dozens of used aircraft. Each fact sheet includes a picture, an overview, a summary of performance, aircraft specifications, links to archived articles on the aircraft, and a list of additional resources.
We invite you to attend the free AOPA webinar, “Reducing the Cost of Flying,” on August 11. Dave Hirschman, senior editor and author of the popular “Frugal Flier” column, will be joining Rodney Martz, a senior aviation technical specialist, to share ways to trim flight costs, both short term and long. Sign up online to join one of two sessions, at 3 p.m. or 9 p.m. Eastern Time.
For details on what’s involved in the aircraft purchasing process, listen to AOPA’s recorded webinar on aircraft purchasing. Questions? Give us a call in the Pilot Information Center, Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Eastern time, at 800-USA-AOPA (872-2672).
Conventional wisdom says that once you’ve had an accident, your premium will go up. Not so with the AOPA Insurance Agency if you participate in its Accident Forgiveness and Deductible Waiver Enhancement Program with a participating insurance company. Complete qualifying AOPA Air Safety Foundation safety education courses every six months to qualify—you can choose from online courses, webinars, live safety seminars, or take three safety quizzes.
Choose from dozens of courses on topics such as aviation decision making, aging aircraft, mountain flying, GPS, and weather. A complete list is online. If online study isn’t your thing, you can attend a live ASF event. AOPA typically alerts all pilots within 65 miles of a live event and plans events around major aviation shows and conventions.
The AOPA Insurance Agency’s Accident Forgiveness program is a simple way to save money. Participating insurance companies are Chartis Aerospace Insurance Services; Phoenix Aviation Managers Inc.; Starr Aviation Agency Inc.; and United States Aircraft Insurance Group (USAIG) Inc.
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