Compared to October 2010, November 2010’s business aircraft activity was down 3.8 percent, according to Cincinnati-based Argus International Inc. In its analysis, Argus split the activity among four categories: turboprop, small-cabin jet, mid-size cabin jet, and large-cabin jet. Then those categories were further analyzed by type of operation: Part 91, Part 135, and fractional.
Among the combination of groups, fractional turboprop activity was down the most, by 7.3 percent from October. The biggest uptick was in the large-cabin fractional area, with an increase of five percent over October. Across the Part 91 categories, activity was down 3.9 percent, Argus said. Historically, Argus says that compared to October levels, business flying activity declines in November.
In comparing November 2010 with November 2009 activity, Argus posted a 6.3-percent gain in all business flying, with the biggest gains racked up by Part 91 turboprop activity, which had a 15.4-percent boost in November 2010. The biggest losers in the November 2009-November 2010 comparison were large-cabin jets in fractional operations, with a decline of 7.3 percent.