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Click here to view this week's custom content online today’s top stories‘USA Today’ attacks GA airports … againUSA Today launched another attack on federal funding for general aviation airports this week with two articles questioning funding for privately owned, public-use reliever airports. Airports designated as relievers are eligible for federal grants because they reduce congestion at commercial airports in metropolitan areas by giving GA users an alternative place to land. The newspaper published two stories Dec. 31 claiming that many privately owned relievers provide little benefit to the general public, and questioning whether the public funds should go toward supporting them. AOPA provided a statement to the reporter about the importance of reliever airports to the nation’s transportation infrastructure, but the newspaper chose not to include it. Read more >> Ground school in a war zone GA NEWSAOPA Insurance Agency to help fund safety quizzesThe AOPA Insurance Agency, a wholly owned subsidiary of AOPA, is taking an innovative direction to help hold the line on aircraft insurance costs. The agency on Dec. 21 presented a check to the AOPA Air Safety Foundation to help develop and distribute the foundation’s safety quizzes, available online free of charge to all pilots. Read more >> Aircraft stolen from hangar at Frederick, Md., airport Air Show Buzz rolls out ‘Mike Da Mustang’Getting children interested in aviation is one of the best ways to ensure a future pilot community, and Air Show Buzz is taking a different approach to teach kids about flying. Air Show Buzz has created a cartoon, “Mike Da Mustang,” which showcases a Mustang, a fighter jet, and a military jeep. In this episode, Mike helps his friend Axle (the jeep) explore the joys of flight. Watch the cartoon >> Hope in a hopeless timeThe predominant experience of the 1930s in America was, of course, the profound economic depression. But at the same time, the airplane was emerging as a publicly accepted means of transportation. This combination of developments helped create an atmosphere conducive to government investment in aviation infrastructure. The Works Progress Administration was created in 1934 with the goal of building public roads, parks, bridges, buildings—and airports. In total, more than 700 miles of airport runways and 800 airports were built or improved during the WPA’s tenure from 1935 to 1943. Read more >> Deadline approaches for plastic pilot certificatePaper pilot certificates will no longer be valid after March 31, 2010, so make sure you’ve upgraded to a plastic certificate. The FAA mandated the change because it says the plastic certificates are more counterfeit resistant. Pilots can request the plastic certificate through the FAA’s Web site or by mail. The cost is $2, but if you change your pilot certificate number from your Social Security number, the switch is free. Temporary, student, and flight instructor certificates are not impacted by the rule.
For daily news updates, see AOPA Online. Safety & ProficiencyBelow-ground buzzing sends pilot into quarry wallBuzzing things on the ground is just a bad idea. It doesn’t matter how good a pilot you are or how quick and responsive your aircraft, extremely low altitudes leave no margin for error. Momentary distractions can be fatal; if something happens that you didn’t expect, there’s little or no time in which to react. Buzzing things below ground level is even worse. On July 24, 2008, an amateur-built Cozy Mark IV flew down into a limestone quarry near Midlothian, Texas. With cruise speeds in the 180-knot range, the standard Mark IV design is fast for a piston single-engine aircraft, and this particular example had a 220-hp engine instead of the recommended 180, leaving little time for reaction or room for error. Read more in this special report from the AOPA Air Safety Foundation. Challenge yourself in 2010Make a New Year’s resolution to become a safer pilot in 2010. The AOPA Air Safety Foundation is challenging pilots to complete at least one of the foundation’s online courses each month in the new year. Courses can help you increase your knowledge of a wide variety of topics, including aerodynamics, radio communication, runway safety, and more. Accept the challenge and resolve to become a safer, smarter pilot in 2010. Take control with a new rating blogsFun to Fly 2010 Sweepstakes: Levitating LSAImagine riding upward on a Ferris wheel or lifting off in a helicopter. Now, combine the two for a sense of takeoff in a Remos. With a rotation speed of just 30 to 40 mph and a climb rate of 1,000 fpm, it seems as if it’s just floating off the ground. Read more >> Air Safety eJournal: Securing the hardwareThis week an aircraft was stolen at a Maryland airport. The thief, not a pilot, got about 50 yards before tipping the tailwheel aircraft up on its nose. This seems like a good time to take stock of GA security. Read more >> member benefitsNew AOPA life insurance program meets your needsFinding quality, affordable insurance can be challenging. That’s why AOPA has done the legwork for you and shopped the insurance market, negotiated group rates, and developed a comprehensive offering of life insurance products to meet your needs. Unlike most other insurance plans, AOPA’s products have no aviation exclusions, which make them a great option for pilots. Choose from AOPA Group Term Life Insurance, AOPA Group Level Term Life Insurance, and AOPA Senior Term Life Insurance to get coverage that’s right for you. A small price to pay for peace of mindProtecting your pilot certificate is a wise investment. For as little as 10 cents a day for most pilots, you can protect yourself in case of an unforeseen emergency by enrolling in the AOPA Legal Services Plan. Most pilots don't think they'll need legal assistance because they're good, careful, and experienced pilots, or because they don't fly frequently. But the fact is the FAA initiates thousands of enforcement actions annually. With today's ever-changing and complex aviation regulations, violations can result from a simple miscommunication or misunderstanding. Enroll or renew your coverage online or by phone at 800/USA-AOPA (872-2672) to protect your certificate. See the plan description for complete coverages and exclusions. Quiz MeHere's a question asked by an AOPA member who contacted our aviation services staff through the AOPA Pilot Information Center. Test your knowledge.
Question: Can a flight instructor with airplane single engine and instrument airplane ratings on his or her CFI certificate provide instrument instruction in a multiengine aircraft?
Answer: Yes. According to two letters of interpretation from the FAA, a CFII may give instrument instruction in a multiengine aircraft, as long as that person holds a multiengine class rating on his or her pilot certificate. However, the aforementioned CFII may not give instruction required for the issuance of a multiengine rating unless he or she holds a multiengine airplane rating on both the pilot and flight instructor certificate. Read more about flight instructor privileges and limitations on AOPA Online.
Got a question for our aviation services staff? The AOPA Pilot Information Center is a service available to all members as part of the annual dues. Call 800/872-2672, or e-mail to [email protected]. Send comments on our Quiz Me! questions to [email protected]. Picture Perfect
Aviation Events & Weather Flight Instructor Refresher ClinicsThe next AOPA Air Safety Foundation Flight Instructor Refresher Clinics are scheduled in Baltimore, Md., and Detroit, Mich., Jan. 9 and 10; Costa Mesa, Calif., Jackson, Miss., and Charlotte, N.C., Jan. 16 and 17; San Antonio, Texas, and Seattle, Wash., Jan. 23 and 24; Rochester, N.Y., Portland, Ore., and Sevierville, Tenn., Jan. 30 and 31. For a complete schedule, see AOPA Online.
Can't make it in person? Sign up for the CFI Refresher Online. AOPA Air Safety Foundation Safety SeminarsAOPA Air Safety Foundation Safety Seminars are scheduled in Mesa, Ariz., and Reno, Nev., Jan. 11; Tucson, Ariz., and Sacramento, Calif., Jan. 12; Milpitas, Calif., Jan. 13; Santa Rosa, Calif., Jan. 14; San Diego, Calif., Jan. 25; Costa Mesa, Calif., Jan. 26; Ontario, Calif., Jan. 27; Burbank, Calif., Jan. 28; Little Rock, Ark., Feb. 1. Topics vary—for details and a complete schedule, see AOPA Online. | Got news? Contact ePilot. Having difficulty using this service? Visit the ePilot Frequently Asked Questions now at AOPA Online or write to [email protected]. |
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