If you fly out of a tower-controlled airport or are studying for an upcoming checkride, listen up!
Beginning June 30, you will no longer hear the familiar “taxi to runway” clearance, which currently allows you to taxi across all runways intersecting your path to the takeoff runway. Instead, you will receive a specific clearance to cross each runway.
The clearance starts with the assigned runway, then specifies the taxi route and any initial runway crossing and/or hold short instructions. For example: “Cessna 4GA, Runway 36L, taxi via Alpha, Charlie, cross Runway 13, hold short of Runway 27.” If multiple runways intersect the route to the takeoff runway, the controller will not issue all the crossing clearances at once. “Taxi to” will be used when instructed to taxi to the ramp or gate, but you will receive specific crossing instructions for each runway encountered on the taxi route. The FAA will incorporate these changes in the August 26 edition of the Aeronautical Information Manual.
For more information visit the website).