1. The angle of attack at which an airplane wing stalls will
A) increase if the CG is moved forward.
B) change with an increase in gross weight.
C) remain the same regardless of gross weight.
2. As altitude increases, the indicated airspeed at which a given airplane stalls in a particular configuration will
A) decrease as the true airspeed decreases.
B) decrease as the true airspeed increases.
C) remain the same regardless of altitude.
3. How do variations in temperature affect the altimeter?
A) Pressure levels are raised on warm days and the indicated altitude is lower than true altitude.
B) Higher temperatures expand the pressure levels and the indicated altitude is higher than true altitude.
C) Lower temperatures lower the pressure levels and the indicated altitude is lower than true altitude.
4. Prior to takeoff, the altimeter should be set to which altitude or altimeter setting?
A) The current local altimeter setting, if available, or the departure airport elevation.
B) The corrected density altitude of the departure airport.
C) The corrected pressure altitude for the departure airport.
5. The numbers 9 and 27 on a runway indicate that the runway is oriented approximately
A) 009 degrees and 027 degrees true.
B) 090 degrees and 270 degrees true.
C) 090 degrees and 270 degrees magnetic.
6. Who should not participate in the Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO) program?
A) Recreational pilots only.
B) Student pilots.
C) Military pilots.
1. The correct answer is C. The wing stalls when it reaches the critical angle of attack. Lift depends on the smooth flow of air over the wing. When you increase the angle of attack, the airflow gradually separates from the wing surface until it can no longer produce enough lift to keep the airplane in level flight. This point is the critical angle of attack (normally between 16 to 20 degrees). Although a change in weight or CG will affect the airspeed at which the airplane stalls, the critical angle of attack is the same in any condition.
2. The correct answer is C. An airplane wing stalls when it reaches the critical angle of attack and at a particular airspeed for a given configuration. While true airspeed increases, an increase in altitude has no effect on the indicated airspeed at which an airplane stalls at normal general aviation altitudes. Maintain the same indicated airspeed for landing approaches regardless of elevation or density altitude. Answers A and B are incorrect because true airspeed does not affect the indicated airspeed at which an airplane will stall.
3. The correct answer is A. On warm days the air expands and is less dense than on a cold day, and consequently raises the pressure levels. For example, the pressure level for 5,000 feet will be higher than on a day with standard conditions; the altimeter may indicate 5,000 feet when the airplane is actually at 6,000. One way to remember the effects of temperature in relation to true altitude is the pneumonic: “From hot to cold, high to low (pressure), look out below.” Answer B is incorrect because the indicated altitude would be lower than true. Answer C is incorrect because indicated altitude would be higher than true.
4. The correct answer is A. According to the Aeronautical Information Manual 7-2-2(a)(1), the altimeter should be set to the local altimeter setting; if no radio is installed, then you may set the altimeter to the elevation of the departure airport. Answers B and C are incorrect because neither density altitude, nor pressure altitude, is used for setting the altimeter.
5. The correct answer is C. Runway numbers are the closest one-tenth whole number to the magnetic azimuth of the runway centerline, measure clockwise from magnetic north, determined from the approach direction. For example, a runway centerline with a magnetic azimuth of 077 would be labeled Runway 8. Occasionally, due the gradual shift of the Earth’s magnetic field, runway numbers will change. Answers A and B are incorrect because magnetic, not true, azimuth is used to determine the runway number.
6. The correct answer is B. According to AIM 4-3-11(b)(2), student pilots or pilots not familiar with the LAHSO should not participate. LAHSO includes landing and holding short of an active intersecting runway, taxiway, or other designated point. The pilot must be able to accurately execute a landing in the available distance in order to prevent interfering with or endangering other aircraft. Answers A and C are incorrect because recreational and military pilot may participate in LAHSO as long as they are familiar with the operation.