Cessna Aircraft has delivered its 9,000th single-engine piston airplane to be built at Independence, Kan.
Cessna customer Rob Logozio took delivery of the 9,000th aircraft, a 182T Skylane, during a ceremony at Cessna’s Independence facility. Logozio purchased his 2010 Skylane from Panorama Flight Service in White Plains, N.Y.
The first Independence-produced single-engine piston came off the line in November 1996 following Cessna’s 10-year hiatus from producing single-engine piston aircraft. Cessna had ceased production in the mid-1980s because of rising liability costs and resumed production after the 1994 passage of the U.S. General Aviation Revitalization Act.
In total, Cessna has produced more than 154,000 single-engine pistons since the company’s founding in 1927.