Sometimes you just have to get out of the local traffic pattern. So make your next trip an adventure and use the airplane for a fun trip to an airport close to you, either by yourself for a confidence-building solo, or with an instructor as a great cross-country training adventure.
Join the crew of Sporty’s Pilot Shop May 15 for their annual open house and fly-in. During the day Sporty’s will award its annual sweepstakes airplane, a new Cessna Skycatcher. There will be GPS seminars, exhibitors showing off products, and of course, free hot dogs.
Try your hand at soft-field takeoffs and landings on April 24 at Welcome Field for the spring EAA fly-in. Grass runways can make for wonderful landing surfaces, but make sure the strip is in good condition prior to departure by calling ahead. Then enjoy lunch that begins at 11 a.m.
Stop in at Willow Run Airport near Detroit May 6 for the Michigan Institute of Aviation and Technology career fair. Companies will be in attendance hiring pilots, technicians, and more. The event is free and open to the public. Go online for more information.
Fly in to Camarillo April 28 for a seminar on preparing for the instrument checkride. The seminar is being conducted by a pilot examiner, and proceeds go to the local Ninety-Nines chapter benefiting the role of women in aviation. See the Web site.
Get a two-for-one deal May 15 at the Tri-Cities Airport. The airport will be holding its annual Learn to Fly Day and a fly-in. Come for a free kit explaining the process, and stay for the aircraft on display. Attend a seminar, vote for the people’s choice award, and take a scenic flight.