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What It Looks Like / Success Story / International Learn to Fly Day

Temporary pilot certificate

What if you’ve misplaced yours or it’s been stolen?

An airplane is like a well-run company in that it is a collection of highly integrated systems. Just as one department in a company performs at its best only when all departments work together to achieve the company’s objectives, an aircraft can’t perform well unless all the parts, pieces, and systems work together. For example, the engine can’t deliver optimum performance unless it is matched with the correct propeller. The proof of that “correctness” can be found on the prop itself in the form of the propeller data plate.

Your FAA pilot certificate—don’t leave home without it if you plan to go flying. Federal aviation regulation 61.3 says you must have it in your possession, or readily accessible in the aircraft, when exercising the privileges of your certificate. Same with your medical certificate. But what if you’ve misplaced them or they’ve been stolen? How can you get replacements—and quick?

No surprise, there’s a regulation for that, too. FAR 61.29 says that you must write the FAA a letter (or complete a form) requesting a replacement certificate, and while you’re at it include a check or money order for two bucks to pay for the replacement plastic. You get a replacement medical certificate (also $2) by writing the FAA’s Aerospace Medical Certification office in Oklahoma City. If you hold an FCC Restricted Radiotelephone Operator’s Permit (required when flying in foreign countries), call the FAA at 888-225-5322 for a replacement.

So, the regs say that a mailed request is the only way to get a replacement pilot’s certificate, and the FAA says it will take 4 to 6 weeks to process. But wait, you don’t have to be grounded for a month or longer. Turns out you can use the FAA’s excellent Web site to instantly obtain a document granting you “temporary authority to exercise the privileges of your certificate.”

The Web site does a good job of stepping you through the process. You can even pay the $2 fee online using a credit card.

Once you’ve successfully completed and submitted the online application and paid the fee, you receive an e-mail with a link to a PDF document granting you temporary authority. The document also states that you have a current medical certificate. Simply print it and carry it with you. It’s good for 60 days.

success story

A dream fulfilled

Dan Figueroa
Age: 41
Success: First solo, January 17, 2010, Laurence G. Hanscom Field, Bedford, Massachusetts
Airplane: Cessna 172

“It was great. This is something I have dreamt about since I was three or four years old and used to see jets flying in formation over the skies in Puerto Rico. With all of life’s ups, downs, and twists the one thing that I always kept thinking about was flying. Once those tires left the runway an unbelievable sense of calm came over me and I just did what I was taught to do: Fly the airplane. The only disappointment at the time was not being able to continue but there will be time for that. If I had to sum up my first solo in one single word I would only say simply angelic."






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