What’s it like to cruise smoothly around a beautiful, rugged island in a classic Waco biplane, the wind kissing your cheeks and the rumble of the big radial making music as you fly? Ask Senior Editor Dave Hirschman, who experienced this epic flight around Maine’s Mount Desert Island on a gorgeous autumn afternoon. View this online video and slideshow, which celebrates the freedom flying gives us to enjoy spectacular vistas only general aviation can deliver.
Keyword: Epic Flight in Maine
Senior Editor Al Marsh and Chief Photographer Mike Fizer visited Mississippi and Louisiana this summer to see the work that general aviation did in helping to clean up the BP oil spill. Fly along in this online video as the Civil Air Patrol completes its final mission.
Keyword: Above the Spill
It took awhile, but 2011 sweepstakes project manager Tom Horne finally found the Cessna 182 that will become next year’s giveaway airplane. Follow along with him to see the chosen airplane’s prebuy inspection, purchase, and first flight in this online video. You’ll also see the buyer’s and seller’s emotional “dances” on the way to sealing the deal.
Keyword: Sweeps 2011
Can an upside-down Cirrus right itself at the touch of a button? Watch as we put the “straight & level” button on Avidyne’s new DFC90 autopilot to an extreme test.
Keyword: Avidyne DFC90 Autopilot