Flight schools are the targeted market for the SportCruiser Classic, a Czech-built model that is equipped with an analog instrument panel to bring the introductory price down to $119,500, including transportation and document charges. It is offered through U.S. Sport Aircraft in Fort Pierce, Fla.
Other than a different paint scheme, it is identical to the SportCruiser, the flagship model that can reach prices of $150,000 to $160,000 with avionics options that include a glass cockpit.
Options available on the Classic model include an IFR training package for $6,000, and a $4,200 ballistic recovery parachute. The aircraft carries 30 gallons of fuel (29.6 useable).
The SportCruiser Classic is equipped with a traditional six-pack of instruments: attitude indicator, heading indicator, altimeter, airspeed indicator, rate-of-climb indicator, and turn-and-bank indicator. It has analog engine gauges. The avionics package includes a Garmin SL40, Garmin Aera 500 GPS, Garmin GTX 327 transponder, and a PS Engineering PM 3000 Intercom. Adjustable rudder pedals with toe brakes, electric pitch and aileron trim, and an ELT are standard equipment.
Also standard is day and night VFR lighting.