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Final Exam /

Final Exam Questions & Answers

Think you know your stuff? Quiz yourself with these FAA test questions.
  1. A below-glideslope indication from a tri-color VASI is a
    A) red light signal.
    B) pink light signal.
    C) green light signal.
  2. If the aircraft's radio fails, what is the recommended procedure when landing at a controlled airport?
    A) Observe the traffic flow, enter the pattern, and look for a light signal from the tower.
    B) Enter a crosswind leg and rock the wings.
    C) Flash the landing lights and cycle the landing gear while circling the airport.
  3. Risk management, as part of the aeronautical decision making (ADM) process, relies on which features to reduce the risks associated with each flight?
    A) Application of stress management and risk element procedures.
    B) Situational awareness, problem recognition, and good judgment.
    C) The mental process of analyzing all information in a particular situation and making a timely decision on what action to take.
  4. How should contact be established with an En Route Flight Advisory Service (EFAS) station, and what service would be expected?
    A) Call EFAS on 122.2 for routine weather, current reports on hazardous weather, and altimeter settings.
    B) Call flight assistance on 122.5 for advisory service pertaining to severe weather.
    C) Call Flight Watch on 122.0 for information regarding actual weather and thunderstorm activity along the proposed route.
  5. The aeronautical decision making (ADM) process identifies the steps involved in good decision making. One of these steps includes a pilot
    A) making a rational evaluation of the required actions.
    B) developing the “right stuff” attitude.
    C) identifying personal attitudes hazardous to safe flight.
  6. To best determine observed weather conditions between weather reporting stations, the pilot should refer to
    A) pilot reports.
    B) area forecasts.
    C) prognostic charts.
  7. When approaching to land at an airport with an operating control tower, in Class D airspace, the pilot must establish communications prior to
    A) 10 nm, up to and including 3,000 feet agl.
    B) 30 sm, and be transponder equipped.
    C) 4 nm, up to and including 2,500 feet agl.
  8. If not equipped with required position lights, an aircraft must terminate flight
    A) at sunset.
    B) 30 minutes after sunset.
    C) one hour after sunset.

Final Exam Answers

  1. The correct answer is A. A red signal alerts the pilot that the approach being flown is below the glide path. To correct, adjust to a shallower approach until the green signal is obtained, and then maintain the correct glide path to the runway. Amber is the above glide path indicator.
  2. The correct answer is A. When approaching to land at a towered airport without a radio, or with a malfunctioning radio, observe the traffic flow from above the traffic pattern altitude, enter the pattern carefully, and look for a light signal from the tower. A steady green light means cleared to land.
  3. The correct answer is B. Answer C is incorrect because the mental process of analyzing information is judgment. Answer A is incorrect because stress management begins with good life stress management, as you may bring the stress in your life into the cockpit with you.
  4. The correct answer is C. The frequency for contacting Flight Watch is 122.0. This service is available specifically to enroute aircraft for timely and meaningful weather advisories along your planned route of flight. Frequencies such as 122.2 and 122.5 are used to contact FSS.
  5. The correct answer is C. The ADM process addresses all aspects of decision making in the cockpit and identifies the steps involved in good decision making. The five hazardous attitudes to safe flight are antiauthority, impulsivity, invulnerability, macho, and resignation.
  6. The correct answer is A. Pilot weather reports (PIREPs) are actual observed weather conditions, seen by the pilot and reported to FSS or ATC. Both area forecasts and prognostic charts are forecasts, not actual observed weather conditions.
  7. The correct answer is C. A pilot must establish communications with ATC prior to entering class D airspace, which typically extends from the surface to 2,500 feet agl upwards and 4 nm laterally from the airport. Transponders are not required for class D operations, nor does class D extend to 3,000 feet agl.
  8. The correct answer is A. The rule stipulates that no person may operate an aircraft during the period from sunset to sunrise unless it has lighted position lights. Night begins approximately 30 minutes after sunset, and passenger carrying rules require pilot currency for takeoffs and landings 1 hour or more after sunset.
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AOPA Flight Training Staff editors are experienced pilots and flight instructors dedicated to supporting student pilots, pilots, and flight instructors in lifelong learning.

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