Name: Steven Mach
Age: 37
Event: Passed private pilot checkride
Airplane: Cessna 172
I soloed at 19 hours and got my ticket at 59 hours after two years of on and off training. I consider my story a particular success in the sense that three years ago I could not even board a commercial flight, let alone fly in a small airplane. With the support of my wife and the mentorship of my father, I overcame this fear and realized I have a new passion in my life.
Name: Barbe Park
Age: 43
Event: Passed private pilot checkride
Airplane: Cessna 150
If I can do it anyone can! I finally got my ticket two weeks ago and am still amazed! That’s over a year of training, about 120 hours, three CFI’s, two Cessna 150s, and the time of my life! I am a single mom of two young boys, with no real child care, living just above the poverty level and working full time. If I can fulfill this dream, anyone can and I’d do anything to help them along the way. Now I’m onto my tailwheel endorsement and hopefully, a little acro after that (7KCAB Citabria). And ownership—I cannot wait to have my own little bird!
Name: Andrew Blanchard
Age: 16
Event: First solo
Airplane: Piper Warrior
I soloed on my sixteenth birthday from my home airport (GHG). I took off with my instructor for three touch and goes before he got out of the airplane on the tarmac and I went off and did three solo touch and goes. It was an amazing feeling to be up there alone, look over at the right seat and know you are in complete control. It’s an amazing confidence boost. My family came to the airport and watched as I soloed for the first time. I would like to be a pilot professionally in the future.
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