Learn how to navigate the world of aviation medicals—and get yours faster—with seminars and educational sessions at AOPA Aviation Summit Sept. 22 through 24 in Hartford, Conn.
Was it something you said? Many deferrals are avoidable, so find out “10 Stupid Things Pilots Do to Sabotage Their Aviation Medical” Sept. 22 at 10 a.m. A panel moderated by Dr. Jonathan Sackier and including Federal Air Surgeon Dr. Fred Tilton, astronaut physician Scott Parazynski, NASA Chief Medical Officer Rich Williams, and others will explain how you can prevent an unnecessary deferral.
Learn how to do it right in a “Preflight Your Aviation Medical” at the new AOPA Learning Pavilion in the exhibit hall Sept. 23 at 3 p.m. AOPA Director of Medical Certification Services Gary Crump will give tips on the homework you should do before renewing your medical, especially if it will result in a special issuance. Crump also will cover a broad range of medical certification topics in “Nuts and Bolts of Real World Medical Certification” Sept. 24 at 10 a.m. This seminar will cover questions to read carefully on the medical application form, preparing your records for the FAA, medications that will and won't fly, overviews of the most common medical conditions, and how to get your case issued sooner rather than later.
If the FAA’s certification process has your head spinning, learn the method to the madness in “How the FAA Makes Medical Certification Policy” Sept. 23 at 3:30 p.m. Tilton, the FAA's chief medical officer, will discuss how policies and procedures are developed and implemented. He will provide an overview of current topics in civil aviation medical certification, discuss the medical certification process, and answer questions about medical conditions that can affect your certification.
Of course, prevention is the best medicine. Sackier will lead seminars and segments on AOPA Live focusing on how you can stay healthy and prevent medical issues from affecting your chances of getting a medical certificate. AOPA Live segments will focus on losing weight, making the most of a visit to the aviation medical examiner, and learning from the health challenges of the astronauts. The seminar “I'm Just a Doctor, Jim” Sept. 24 at 11:30 a.m. will take a page from Leonard McCoy of the U.S.S. Enterprise and help attendees achieve good health.
Sackier also will lead a panel of experts in a discussion of aeromedical factors in “Me Doctor, You Pilot. You Pilot, Me Doctor” Sept. 23 at 3:30 p.m. Recognize symptoms of hypoxia and know the signs of the bends.
Some attendees can enjoy good food and an informative panel discussion with Sackier, Crump, and other experts about healthy flying and living at the Fly Well, Eat Well Dine Around Dinner Sept. 23.
For locations and additional information about seminars, see the schedule.