IMC Club International, an instrument proficiency organization with chapters nationwide, announced July 26 an agreement to use Pilot Workshops scenario-based training modules at chapter meetings.
Calling the new structure “IMC Club 2.0,” the Norwood, Mass.-based organization said that all members will have access to some of Pilot Workshops’ IFR Mastery workshops monthly at the club’s meetings. Paid subscription members will have unlimited access to the workshops online. IMC Club President Radek Wyrzykowski said the workshops pose a scenario in a multimedia presentation and facilitate discussion.
Discussion with experts and other instrument-rated pilots helps members apply what they learned in instrument training to real-life scenarios, Wyrzykowski said.
“For us, the most important part is exchange of experience,” he said. Because chapters nationwide will go through the same scenario for a particular month, IMC Club members from around the country can discuss the workshop, he said.
Wyrzykowski said the agreement was a natural fit for the two organizations, which focus exclusively on instrument flying safety.
“The synergy is obvious,” said Mark Robidoux, founder of, in a press release. “We are two unique organizations that are addressing ongoing IFR proficiency and safety among General Aviation pilots. I am looking forward to making our experts and resources available to the members of IMC Club.”
The IMC Club began establishing chapters in November 2009 and has grown to 29 chapters and close to 1,000 members. Wyrzykowski said that in addition to providing training, the club offers an opportunity for pilots just to hang out and talk about flying. “They are not just dry training sessions,” he said.
Basic membership in the IMC Club is free; the full subscription, with unlimited access to the online workshops, is $25 a month. Wyrzykowski said pilots also can purchase an annual subscription, which offers a 10-percent discount. Pilots who enroll before Aug. 7 and use the discount code OSHKOSH2011 will get an additional $30 off, he said.