AOPA was recognized June 1 during the Association Media and Publishing’s Thirty-first Annual EXCEL Awards Gala in Washington, D.C., for excellence in its media offerings.
The association received six EXCEL Awards for published work in 2010. More than 1,100 entries were entered, representing 99 associations and nonprofit organization; judges granted 196 awards in Gold, Silver, and Bronze. AOPA was recognized for print and electronic publications, as well as a mixed media campaign and media kit.
Association Media and Publishing, established in 1963, serves the needs of association publishers, communication professionals, and the media they create. AOPA Media received a Silver award for Innovation in Media: Integrated Mixed Media Campaign for the organization’s Fun to Fly Road and Runway Rally campaign, which featured the Remos GX, the association’s 2010 sweepstakes aircraft. Judges commented that the campaign, which included video and print, Facebook and Twitter, blogs, and photography to promote the 2010 sweepstakes, featured a video that “energizes the audience.”
The association’s Flight Training magazine, which underwent an editorial and art redesign in 2010, received two awards: a Silver for the Magazines: Most Improved category and a Bronze for its redesign that included a “thoughtful restructuring of departments; improved hierarchy of information for reader usability.”
AOPA Media also received a Bronze award for its media kits in the Special Publications: Media Kit category. AOPA Media produced “First in Readership. First in Aviation. First in Value” for its advertising department and garnered praise from the judges for being “well designed and organized” and “visually appealing.”
AOPA ePilot, the association’s weekly e-newsletter, received a Bronze award in the new category Media Innovation: Electronic Newsletter. Judges commented that the e-newsletter “allows a wide variety of special interests within AOPA to find news and information that reinforces the value of their participation as members.”
The Air Safety Institute’s CFI to CFI newsletter received a Bronze award in the Newsletters: Most Improved category. CFI to CFI was formerly produced as the AOPA Air Safety Foundation newsletter “InstructoReport.” “The cover artwork on the new newsletter is engaging and makes you want to read the articles,” judges said.