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ASI News

ASI puts spotlight on aeronautical decision making

The Air Safety Institute publishes safety spotlights online ( to gather in one place essential courses, quizzes, publications, and links associated with a specific topic so you don’t have to hunt for these items throughout the vast ASI website. And from time to time, ASI launches a new spotlight to emphasize a topic of special interest not previously published.

Aeronautical Decision Making deciphers and guides you through the difficult process of making good decisions, all the time. Poor decision making is the root cause of many—if not most—aviation accidents. Good decision making, on the other hand, is about avoiding the circumstances that lead to really tough choices. The goal is really very simple: Learn to make good choices every time you fly.

Check out ASI’s wealth of information to help you avoid making poor choices and hone this single most important safety skill—good judgment.

Visit the spotlight online (

AOPA Flight Training staff
AOPA Flight Training Staff editors are experienced pilots and flight instructors dedicated to supporting student pilots, pilots, and flight instructors in lifelong learning.

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