1. During a night flight, you observe steady red and green lights ahead and at the same altitude. What is the general direction of movement of the other aircraft?
A) The other aircraft is crossing to the left.
B) The other aircraft is flying away from you.
C) The other aircraft is approaching head-on.
2. How can you determine if another aircraft is on a collision course with your aircraft?
A) The other aircraft will always appear to get larger and closer at a rapid rate.
B) The nose of each aircraft is pointed at the same point in space.
C) There will be no apparent relative motion between your aircraft and the other aircraft.
3. The pilot in command is required to hold a type rating in which aircraft?
A) Aircraft operated under an authorization issued by the administrator.
B) Aircraft having a gross weight of more than 12,500 pounds.
C) Aircraft involved in ferry flights, training flights, or test flights.
4. The definition of nighttime is
A) sunset to sunrise.
B) one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise.
C) the time between the end of evening civil twilight and the beginning of morning civil twilight.
5. Responsibility for collision avoidance in an alert area rests with
A) the controlling agency.
B) all pilots.
C) air traffic control.
6. In order to act as pilot in command of a high-performance airplane, a pilot must have
A) made and logged three solo takeoffs and landings in a high-performance airplane.
B) received and logged ground and flight instruction in an airplane that has more
than 200 horsepower.C) passed a flight test in a high-performance airplane.
1. The correct answer is C. While flying at night, if you observe steady red and green lights at the same time, the other aircraft is on a collision course and immediate action should be taken to avoid a collision. Answer A is incorrect because you would see only a red navigation light on the left wing if the aircraft were flying right to left. Answer B is incorrect because although you would see the red and green lights at the same time, you would also see the white navigation light on the tail. (Airplane Flying Handbook Chapter 10)
2. The correct answer is C. An aircraft that does not appear to have any motion and remains in the same position could be a collision hazard. If the object appears to grow larger and no motion is detected evasive action should be taken. Answers A and B don’t exclude the possibility of a collision; answer C is more correct. (AIMChapter 8-1-8)
3. The correct answer is B. A type rating is required for large aircraft (those weighing more than 12,500 pounds), turbojet-powered aircraft, and other aircraft specified by the Administrator through aircraft type certificate procedures. Answer A is incorrect because operating under an authorization is irrelevant of aircraft size or characteristics. Answer C is incorrect because these operations can be conducted with aircraft weighing fewer than 12,500 pounds. (FAR 61.31)
4. The correct answer is C. FAR 1.1 defines night as the time between the end of evening civil twilight and the beginning of morning civil twilight as published in the American Air Almanac. Answer A is the time the FAA requires aircraft navigation lights to be illuminated. Answer B is the time pilots are not allowed to carry passengers unless they have completed currency requirements.
5. The correct answer is B. Alert areas are depicted on aeronautical charts to make pilots aware of unusual types of activities that may exist, or a high volume of pilot training. All pilots within the area are responsible for collision avoidance and should conduct the flight in accordance with the applicable regulations. Answer A is incorrect because the controlling agency never has collision avoidance responsibility, and answer C is incorrect because ATC only assumes responsibility for separation on IFR flights. (AIMChapter 3-4-6)
6. The correct answer is B. To act as pilot in command of a high-performance airplane one must have logged ground and flight training from an authorized instructor in a high-performance aircraft (more than 200 horsepower) and received an endorsement from an authorized instructor certifying they are proficient to operate such an aircraft. If a pilot has logged time in a high-performance airplane prior to August 4, 1997, the endorsement is not be required. Answer A is incorrect because three takeoffs and landings are required for category, class, and type (if applicable). Answer C is incorrect because no flight test is required to be PIC in a high-performance aircraft. (FAR 61.31).
7. The correct answer is A. Appendix A to Part 43 of the FARs includes servicing of landing gear wheel bearings as long as the work does not involve complex assembly operations. Answers A and C are not covered as preventative maintenance in Part 43.
8. The correct answer is C. Prior to flying the pilot in command is required to become familiar with all available information concerning the flight, including information on runway lengths at airports to be used and takeoff and landing. Answers A and B are not specifically required per FAR 91.103.