“It was probably the greatest thing to ever happen to me. It made me realize many things are possible, and opportunities are available if you seek them out.”
That’s the sentiment from Zachary Alcantar, one of four winners of $5,000 flight training scholarships last fall. Alcantar’s scholarship was sponsored by Aviation Supplies and Academics.
At the time of his application, Alcantar was working as a lineman in California in an attempt to stay close to aviation and grab every dollar he could to finish his private pilot certificate. Less than a month after winning the scholarship, he realized his dream of 10 years and became a certificated pilot. “I started flying about six years ago, and after 10 or so hours I ran out of money, which discouraged me until I started up again in 2011. But was soon almost out of money again until I received the scholarship,” he said.
Alcantar credits ASA’s scholarship for being where he is today. “Give your situation a voice and follow the steps to make yourself be heard. You may think it's a long-shot but don't hold yourself back. It is definitely worth trying for,” he said. And today you can be heard.
The application period is open for another three scholarships—one from AOPA, one from Jeppesen, and the Erral Lea Plymate Memorial Scholarship. The deadline is Feb. 10.