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Know Before You Go!

Navigate beyond alphabet airspace with ASI’s online course

Enter the aptly named Air Safety Institute’s Know Before You Go: Navigating Today’s Airspace interactive online course to prepare for questions such as “Are you allowed to fly into a Controlled Firing Area…how about a Special Flight Rules Area?”

From basic chart interpretation to understanding temporary flight restrictions, learn important navigation tactics before you take off.

The course is chockfull of tips, animations, and interactive quizzes testing your newly acquired knowledge along the way. And once you’ve taken the course you’ll be able to discuss especially tricky airspace operations in ADIZ, SFRA, MOA, MTR, CFA, TFR, and NSA—beyond an explanation of what those acronyms stand for.

Shield yourself from inadvertently busting airspace with Know Before You Go: Navigating Today’s Airspace online course. Fly safely through the airspace maze and qualify for AOPA Accident Forgiveness and FAA Wings.

Airspace on the go

Flash cards make it easy to learn

It is our responsibility to thoroughly understand and apply the rules that govern the sky: Our personal safety and hard-earned certificates are at stake if we don’t. But, remembering various airspace dimensions and depictions, including relevant regulations can be a daunting task, especially with looming pressure of an upcoming checkride or flight review.

That’s why ASI has developed airspace flash cards to make it practical for pilots at any certificate level to absorb and retain critical knowledge. The cards, which easily fit in your flight bag, include a color depiction of the airspace, a description of its characteristics, and a discussion question.

Visit the website to download the cards.

Mike Collins
Mike Collins
Technical Editor
Mike Collins, AOPA technical editor and director of business development, died at age 59 on February 25, 2021. He was an integral part of the AOPA Media team for nearly 30 years, and held many key editorial roles at AOPA Pilot, Flight Training, and AOPA Online. He was a gifted writer, editor, photographer, audio storyteller, and videographer, and was an instrument-rated pilot and drone pilot.

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Navigate beyond alphabet airspace with ASI’s online course

online course

Whether you’re cramming for the checkride or preparing for a cross-country flight, you’ll want to know your airspace in depth.

Enter the aptly named Air Safety Institute’s Know Before You Go: Navigating Today’s Airspace interactive online course to prepare for questions such as “Are you allowed to fly into a Controlled Firing Area…how about a Special Flight Rules Area?”

From basic chart interpretation to understanding temporary flight restrictions, learn important navigation tactics before you take off.

The course is chockfull of tips, animations, and interactive quizzes testing your newly acquired knowledge along the way. And once you’ve taken the course you’ll be able to discuss especially tricky airspace operations in ADIZ, SFRA, MOA, MTR, CFA, TFR, and NSA—beyond an explanation of what those acronyms stand for.

Shield yourself from inadvertently busting airspace with Know Before You Go: Navigating Today’s Airspace online course. Fly safely through the airspace maze and qualify for AOPA Accident Forgiveness and FAA Wings.

Airspace on the go

Flash cards make it easy to learn

It is our responsibility to thoroughly understand and apply the rules that govern the sky: Our personal safety and hard-earned certificates are at stake if we don’t. But, remembering various airspace dimensions and depictions, including relevant regulations can be a daunting task, especially with looming pressure of an upcoming checkride or flight review.

That’s why ASI has developed airspace flash cards to make it practical for pilots at any certificate level to absorb and retain critical knowledge. The cards, which easily fit in your flight bag, include a color depiction of the airspace, a description of its characteristics, and a discussion question.

Visit the website to download the cards.

Mike Collins
Mike Collins
Technical Editor
Mike Collins, AOPA technical editor and director of business development, died at age 59 on February 25, 2021. He was an integral part of the AOPA Media team for nearly 30 years, and held many key editorial roles at AOPA Pilot, Flight Training, and AOPA Online. He was a gifted writer, editor, photographer, audio storyteller, and videographer, and was an instrument-rated pilot and drone pilot.

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