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ASI News

Renew with the Air Safety Institute

Take the course at home

IF YOU’RE A FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR in need of certificate renewal or a pilot interested in honing skills and learning new material at a CFI level, you’ll want to attend the Air Safety Institute’s flight instructor refresher program or attend an in-person FIRC. Receive an exclusive ASI Flash Drive, which includes FAR/AIM Handbooks, an endorsement guide, practical test standards, ASI’s CFI to CFI digital newsletter, and AOPA’s Flight Training Field Guides. Additionally, ASI handles all 8710 paperwork and processing for both in-person and online FIRCs.

AOPA Air Safety Institute staff
AOPA Air Safety Institute Staff members share a deep passion for aviation safety. As compassionate pilots, we bring together safety research, analysis, and knowledge in creative ways to share aviation safety education with you—with the ultimate goal of one day having zero fatal accidents in GA.

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