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'AOPA Live This Week' adds pilot personality Rod Machado


AOPA Live This Week announced Feb. 1 that it will feature a new video series entitled “License to Learn,” hosted by renowned flight instructor and professional speaker Rod Machado.
Machado has signed on to create two videos each month, approximately two minutes in length, as part of the AOPA weekly report on aviation news and developments.

Machado is known for his humorous approach to flight instruction. His semi-monthly segments on AOPA Live This Week will include tips to help make pilots safer and more proficient.

“What I shoot is what I feel,” Machado said. “This can include techniques for flying an airplane safely, techniques for getting better performance out of the plane or techniques for using tools and equipment in a way that makes you safe and reduces workload.”

In the first segment, which aired Jan. 31, 2013, Machado demonstrated how a smartphone’s camera can help pilots perform a more thorough preflight inspection.

“We’re really excited to have Rod and his unique method of teaching as part of our program,” said AOPA Live This Week Executive Producer Warren Morningstar. “Rod’s knowledge of aviation, his understanding of how pilots learn, and his ability to teach are unmatched, and our audience will benefit from his insight.”

Machado’s longstanding contributions to AOPA include monthly columns in AOPA Pilot and Flight Training magazine, as well as lectures and appearances as AOPA’s national CFI spokesman. He has been a flight instructor since 1973 and holds all fixed-wing (powered) flight instructor ratings, as well as an airline transport pilot certificate.

AOPA Live This Week airs every Thursday. It includes topical news stories and feature videos from the world of general aviation. Viewers can watch the show on their computers, mobile and tablet devices, or download the video from iTunes. Viewers can also watch AOPA Live This Week on the “big screen” through AOPA Live’s Roku channel. AOPA Live videos were viewed nearly two million times in 2012.

AOPA Communications staff
AOPA Communications Staff are communicators who specialize in making aerospace, aviation and advocacy information relatable for all.
Topics: Training and Safety, Training and Safety

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