When Christopher Boyle bought a Klamath Falls Sectional chart from Sporty’s Pilot Shop, he never imagined that the transaction would conclude with his taking possession of a brand-new light sport airplane with which to explore the chart’s coverage area.
But a never-in-your-wildest-dreams scenario played out just that way for the private pilot from Arcata, Calif. Sporty’s announced that Boyle recently traveled to Batavia, Ohio, to claim the prize of a Legend Cub as the winner of Sporty’s 2013 Aircraft Sweepstakes.
Boyle found out on May 18 that he had won the aircraft. The news came via an elaborately planned phone call from Sporty’s President Michael Wolf during Sporty’s Annual Fly In. Boyle won the contest when his order number was drawn at random from all orders placed at Sporty’s in the past year.
The Legend Cub is powered by a 100-horsepower Continental O-200 engine, and comes with a Garmin panel and pair of Bose headsets. As a bonus prize, Boyle received his tailwheel endorsement—in his new airplane—from a Sporty’s Academy flight instructor.
The Sporty’s Sweepstakes airplane for 2014 will be an all-new Van’s RV-12, the first factory-built airplane from Van’s, a leading designer of kit aircraft.
All Sporty’s Pilot Shop customers are automatically entered to win the airplane every time they order. Orders received between May 11, 2013, and May 9, 2014, are eligible to win the RV-12, Sporty’s said.