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Disney's 'Planes' available on Blu-ray, DVD

disneyJust in time for the holiday buying season, Disney’s Planes was released Nov. 19 as a Blu-ray 3-D combo pack, Blu-ray combo pack, DVD, digital HD, and on demand. It’s an ideal stocking stuffer for children and pilots alike.

The animated film featuring Dusty, a loveable cropduster who overcomes the odds to become a racing airplane, opened to thousands at EAA AirVenture before airing in theaters. It was the top family movie in the U.S. box office for four weeks in a row, according to Disney. The heartwarming story of an underdog reinforces important values to children like persevering, staying true to one’s character despite peer pressure, and helping others. Pilots will enjoy jokes in aviation lingo and the portrayal of how pilots come together to support one another and others in times of need.

According to Disney, the Blu-ray pack includes bonus content like deleted scenes, “Fanz’s son,” director Klay Hall’s journey during the making of the film, and a look at the 10 greatest aviators in history hosted by ESPN’s Colin Cowherd.

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