Training Tips
It's rewarding to pick out the destination airport from miles away as a cross-country flight nears its conclusion. A bonus is using the remaining time to get the wind direction, pick out the correct runway, and visualize the traffic pattern.
Airports with multiple, long runways that present distinct patterns as viewed from above are ideal for spotting. Take South Dakota's Aberdeen Regional Airport: Its 6,901-foot Runway 13/31 and 5,500-foot Runway 17/35 form an inverted V as depicted on a sectional chart that is oriented with north at the top, where the two runways intersect.
Your preflight planning also produced a cautionary note about those runways when you reviewed the listing for the airport in the airport/facility directory: "Rwy 13 and Rwy 17 apch ends are closely aligned. Verify correct rwy and compass heading prior to dep."
With approximately 40 degrees separating the two runways' magnetic bearings, that note might strike you as overly cautious. But now, after landing and a quick break, you become momentarily uncertain as you taxi back out over a light surface covering of snow for takeoff on Runway 13.
As usual, your magnetic compass indication sways this way and that during taxi, providing no help, and your directional gyro—ever prone to precession—won't be trustworthy until the system's vacuum pump is fully functional, probably after takeoff.
Remember also that at some airports, runway bearings listed as 40 degrees apart may be oriented somewhat more closely. Runway bearings are approximated in 10-degree increments. And, "for a magnetic azimuth ending in the number 5, such as 185, the runway designation could be either 18 or 19," says Section 4-3-6 of the Aeronautical Information Manual.
You wouldn't want to depart in the wrong direction and pose a collision hazard to area traffic or an aircraft entering a traffic pattern. So stay alert to all airport signs and markings as you taxi out. If your situational awareness is truly top-notch, you will verify preflight research indicating the presence of a visual approach slope indicator (VASI) on the left side of Runway 13. On Runway 17, a precision approach path indicator (PAPI) should be on the right of the runway.
Heed the published cautions about airport hazards and hot spots. Then use all available means to confirm your position for the safest possible departure!
Flight Training News
ASA has released apps for the private, instrument, commercial, flight instructor, helicopter, and multiengine checkrides, as well as one for pilots prepping for a flight review.
In between the turkey and the football, consider giving these five aviation game apps a try: Chopper, Tiny Wings, Infinite Flight, Skies of Glory, and Wings Earth: Flight Simulator Experience.
Just in time for the holiday shopping season, Disney's Planes was released Nov. 19 as digital HD, on demand, and as a Blu-ray 3-D combo pack, Blu-ray combo pack, and DVD.
Sally Ride Science has launched Sally Ride Online Academy, a teacher training and professional development program for educators. The academy helps educators promote student interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) by making connections to the varied careers that students can pursue. The training is based on teaching strategies and classroom tools tested in recent years via the Sally Ride Science Academy, sponsored by ExxonMobil.
While pilots give soft- and short-field takeoff techniques their due diligence, the normal takeoff is how most pilots depart the airfield most of the time. So it makes sense to pay more attention to what we're doing for the bulk of our departures.
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Gulfstream Aerospace has signed a deal with the Georgia Institute of Technology to share space at the Technology Circle office park in Savannah, Ga., reports the Savannah Morning News. The aircraft manufacturer will share nearly 100,000 square feet of the school's offices and classroom space and expand an existing partnership to include faculty exchanges, research, and more courses.
Training Resources
Hear from weather expert and AOPA Pilot Editor at Large Tom Horne on the dangers of flight into known icing conditions. A four-minute video explains what you can do to escape those conditions with your life.
Watch the video...
Did you know that student pilots who join AOPA are three times more likely to complete their flight training? Membership includes unlimited access to aviation information by phone (800/USA-AOPA, weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern time) or from Flight Training Online or AOPA Online. If you're not already a member, join today and get the pilot's edge.
AOPA Live This Week
The Just Aircraft SuperSTOL earns its name on a 400-foot strip, AOPA continues its stand against a costly new FAA policy on sleep apnea, and James Fallows, an expert on Chinese aviation, discusses the lifting of restrictions on general aviation flights in China. As of publication deadline, AOPA Live® producers were still finalizing the show, which will be available Nov. 28.
AOPA Live This Week®, Nov. 28...
Career Pilot
Boeing launched its 777X program at the 2013 Dubai Airshow on Nov. 17 with a record-breaking number of customer orders and commitments for the new twin-aisle jet, announcing agreements for 259 airplanes from four customers across Europe and the Middle East. Boeing said the 777-8X, which will seat 350 passengers and has a range of more than 9,300 nautical miles, competes directly with the Airbus A350-1000, while the 777-9X—with seating for more than 400 and a range of more than 8,200 nm—has no direct competition.
For more aviation career news, see the Flight Training website.
Plane Spotter
Glancing out at the ramp on a busy weekday morning, your plane-spotting eye fixes on a light twin taxiing in after a session working the pattern. "Nice little Baron," you say to yourself. But on closer inspection that identification is quickly discarded, because this aircraft's lines just don't add up to that easy conclusion. Some visually distinctive feature usually solves such mysteries. This aircraft's straight tail and squarish engine nacelles help you pinpoint the product as a Beech Travel Air, powered by 180-horsepower engines and sometimes used as a multiengine trainer.
Training Products
Powerful Learning Inc. has unveiled its new Online Pilot Training website, a training, test prep, and reference system for pilots. The website features a comprehensive, fully integrated library, complete quiz analysis and direct links for further study, custom flash card and practice quiz modes, and more than 3,000 questions. A free demonstration is available, and the cost is $179.
Student pilots can keep track of everything from ground lessons and written exams to flight maneuvers and flight checks, with the Private Pilot Student Record folder. The folder is designed to track all the details effectively during pilot training. The cost is $5.45.
Note: Products listed have not been evaluated by ePilot editors unless otherwise noted. AOPA assumes no responsibility for products or services listed or for claims or actions by manufacturers or vendors.
Member Benefits
Members only
The 16-day partial government shutdown added insult to injury in the realm of pilot medical certification at the end of a year that has seen some of the longest delays we've seen in quite a while. Find out some of the basics of the process of how the FAA does medical certification.
Member benefit
Many aircraft owners were shocked by economic events of 2008 and 2009. Fortunately, the market is recovering and banks are loosening up requirements on aircraft loans and reintroducing financing products.
Blogger Chip Wright is a morning person, but now he has to do a lot of night flying. Here's how he copes.
Instrument Tip
Login required
Hartford-Brainard Airport in Connecticut is home to one of the most unusual instrument approaches in the world. Try your hand at the LDA approach and see if you have the skills to find the runway in IMC in this safety quiz.
Take the quiz...
You might get in at Aurora, Mo., might not. Hard to know.
Final Exam
You change your permanent mailing address. However, you remain in the same state, county, town, and zip code. Are you required to notify the FAA of this move?
After 30 days you may not exercise the privileges of your certificate unless you notify the FAA in writing of the new permanent address. Be careful with this one: It is 30 days, not one month. (Source: FAR § 61.60.)
Got a question for our technical services staff? Contact AOPA.
Career Opportunities
Aviation job board
Cirrus Aircraft is looking for a flight instructor to provide ground and flight transition training to customers to ensure pilots meet the standards of Cirrus. Responsibilities include planning and executing high-quality, syllabus-driven flight instruction to enhance customer experience; planning and executing flight training missions using scenario-based training techniques; planning and executing corporate flights; providing company pilot flight training; and more.
See the full job description, or learn about other exciting opportunities...
Education and Seminars
Flight Instructor Refresher Courses
Dec 7-8 - Denver, Colo.; Orlando, Fla.; and Northbrook, Ill.
Jan 4-5 - Ypsilanti, Mich.; Portland, Ore.; San Jose, Calif.; and San Antonio, Texas
Jan 11-12 - Knoxville, Tenn.; Jackson, Miss.; Seattle, Wash.; and Charlotte, N.C.
Jan 25-26 - Baltimore, Md.; and Long Beach, Calif.
For a complete schedule, see AOPA Online. Can't make it in person? Sign up for the Air Safety Institute's new Online eFIRC.
Air Safety Institute Safety Seminars
Jan 13 - Mesa, Ariz.; and Reno, Nev.
Jan 14 -Tucson, Ariz.; and Sacramento, Calif.
Jan 15 - Milpitas, Calif.; and El Paso, Texas
Jan 16 - Albuquerque, N.M.; and Santa Rosa, Calif.
Topics vary—for details and a complete schedule, see AOPA Online.
ePilot Flight Training Editor:
Benét Wilson
Production Team
Katie Richardson
Lezlie Ramsey
Melissa Whitehouse |
Sarah Deener
Alyssa Miller
Jim Moore
Jill W. Tallman
Warren Morningstar
Alton K. Marsh
Dave Hirschman
Tom Horne
Ian J. Twombly
Dan Namowitz |