1. What is the one common factor that affects most preventable accidents?
A. Human error.
B. Structural failure.
C. Mechanical malfunction.
2. Which items are included in the empty weight of an aircraft?
A. Only the airframe, powerplant, and optional equipment.
B. Unusable fuel and undrainable oil.
C. Full fuel tanks and engine oil to capacity.
3. What is one of the neglected items when a pilot relies on short- and long-term memory for repetitive tasks?
A. Flying outside the envelope.
B. Checklists.
C. Situational awareness.
4. When the course deviation indicator (CDI) needle is centered during an omnireceiver check using a VOR test signal (VOT), the omnibearing selector (OBS) and the TO/FROM indicator should read
A. 180 degrees FROM, only if the pilot is due north of the VOT.
B. 0 degrees FROM or 180 degrees TO, regardless of the pilot’s position from the VOT.
C. 0 degrees TO or 180 degrees FROM, regardless of the pilot’s position from the VOT.
5. A third class medical certificate is issued to a 36-year-old pilot on August 10, this year. To exercise the privileges of a private pilot certificate, the medical certificate will be valid until midnight on
A. August 31, five years later.
B. August 10, three years later.
C. August 31, three years later.
6. The final authority as to the operation of an aircraft is the
A. aircraft manufacturer.
B. Federal Aviation Administration.
C. pilot in command.
7. No person may operate an aircraft in formation flight
A. except by prior arrangement with the pilot in command of each aircraft.
B. in Class D airspace under special VFR.
C. over a densely populated area.
8. Which aircraft has the right of way over all other air traffic?
A. An aircraft on final approach to land.
B. A charter flight late for picking up passengers.
C. An aircraft in distress.
1. The correct answer is A. Accidents are usually the result of human error. Structural failure and mechanical malfunction, while real, occur rarely. Even then, the result can be a successful ending to any flight when properly handled by the PIC. Most accidents, after being investigated, turn up no problems with the aircraft. Hence, the human error element is cited as the main or contributing factor in about 80 percent of all accidents. (Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, Chapter 17)
2. The correct answer is B. On some aircraft, empty weight may include full oil and on others, undrainable oil. However, only unusable fuel is included in the empty weight, in addition to the airframe, engine, and all installed standard and optional equipment. (Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, Chapter 9)
3. The correct answer is B. When a pilot relies on memory for repetitive tasks, the use of printed checklists is neglected in favor of mental checklists. Over time, however, important items can slip out of memory, whereas that would never happen with a printed checklist in hand. (Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, Chapter 17)
4. The correct answer is B. As the VOT transmits a 360-degree radial in all directions, when the OBS is set to 0, or 360, the TO/FROM indicator should read FROM. When the OBS is rotated to 180, the indicator should switch to TO. (FAR 91.171)
5. The correct answer is A. FAR 61.23 provides a requirement and duration table for each class of medical certificate, type of operation, and valid dates. When a third class medical is issued to a pilot under the age of 40, the rule provides that the certificate is valid for 60 calendar months. It is important to note the age 40 stipulation, as that applies to the issuance and duration only. If a pilot turns 40 during the effective medical time frame, the certificate would continue in force until 60 months has passed; it does not expire on his fortieth birthday. In this example, the next medical would be issued on this pilot’s forty-first birthday, and would be effective for only 24 calendar months.
6. The correct answer is C. The pilot in command of an aircraft is directly responsible for and is the final authority as to the operation of that aircraft. The aircraft manufacturer and the FAA offer techniques and rules, but it is the PIC who has the last word. (FAR 91.3[a])
7. The correct answer is A. FAR 91.111(b) requires that a formation flight be arranged by the PIC of each aircraft to be involved in the formation. All other Part 91 flight rules apply to the formation flight.
8. The correct answer is C. We’ve all heard the calls from a pilot late to pick up his passengers; however, the rules provide him no special privileges. An aircraft in distress has the right of way. over all other air traffic. (FAR 91.113(c))