Training TipsWhat’s the call?
A business jet departs, and another is cleared for takeoff. Then an aircraft with the word “heavy” in its call sign checks in from several miles out on final. The tower informs the heavy that it is number two to land, following “a Cessna single that is about to turn base.” (Surprise: That’s you.)
Next, the tower calls your number and instructs, “Make a short approach, cleared for the option.”
If you fly regularly from a tower-controlled airport, especially during busy periods, scenarios like this will soon become familiar. One lesson they teach is to develop the good habit of monitoring all the frequency’s radio traffic so you know the position of other arriving and departing aircraft.
Another is that no two circuits of a busy pattern will be alike. In past practice sessions, you may have had to respond to requests to “expedite” a takeoff, or to exit a runway with no delay. On a touch and go, a controller may have instructed you to take minimum time on the runway, or to begin your crosswind turn earlier than usual. On a few occasions you may even have been vectored out of the pattern briefly to accommodate traffic.
Now, if separation from the heavy aircraft following you gets too tight, the controller could amend your clearance to “touch and go only.” If you start to feel a bit squeezed or pressured, volunteering to go around also would help (and the offer might be gratefully accepted).
In the meantime you remain cleared for the option, which, according to the Pilot/Controller Glossary, is an ATC authorization “for an aircraft to make a touch-and-go, low approach, missed approach, stop and go, or full stop landing at the discretion of the pilot.”
You wanted to make a stop and go to maximize your landing practice in that crosswind—but given your traffic, perhaps that’s not the best choice.
It’s decision time. What’s your call? Flight Training NewsAll Nippon Airways acquires Pan Am International Flight AcademyANA Holdings, the parent company of All Nippon Airways, has acquired Pan Am International Flight Academy, an airline training provider based in Miami. The acquisition was announced Aug. 22. ANA plans to expand Pan Am into Asia by providing training to other Asian airlines, partner firms, and subsidiaries, the company said. Read more >> FAA ends direct-to-consumer sales of paper chartsAs expected, the FAA has announced an end to direct-to-consumer sales of all paper aeronautical chart products, effective Oct. 1. After that date, pilots will need to purchase all paper aeronautical charts from an authorized chart agent. This move by the FAA follows a previous action that ended subscription chart services on July 1 and is aimed at maximizing the efficiency of the FAA division that develops aeronautical chart products. Read more >> AOPA launches 72nd IMC Club chapterThe AOPA Headquarters Chapter has become the seventy-second of the IMC Club, created to promote instrument flying, proficiency, and safety. The AOPA chapter is organized by the IMC Club International Inc. and is sponsored by AOPA. Read more >> Fort Worth AOPA Aviation Summit offers broad appealThe 2013 AOPA Aviation Summit will take place in Fort Worth, Texas, the first time in more than 20 years that the event is being held in the central region of the country. AOPA Aviation Summit is being held in Fort Worth for four reasons, said Chris Eads, AOPA director of outreach and events. Read more >> Going electronic with logbooksThis week, AOPA looks at five logbook apps: LogTen Pro Universal Pilot Logbook, FlightBOX, Logbook Pro Mobile, Pilot Pro, and Safelog Pilot Logbook. Read more >> Boeing sees more global demand for airline pilotsBoeing is forecasting that the commercial aviation industry will need more than one million new pilots and technicians to support the expanding demand for new airplane deliveries over the next two decades. Projected pilot demand is increasing worldwide, as is demand for technicians in some regions. The Boeing outlook indicates that by 2032 the world will require 498,000 new commercial airline pilots and 556,000 new commercial airline maintenance technicians. Have a little fun with new ‘Weather Challenge’ seminarDo your eyes glaze over when you hear about Skew-T diagrams? Yawn at hearing about moist adiabatic lapse rates? Soak up some practical weather knowledge while bolstering your real-world weather wisdom with the Air Safety Institute’s “Weather Challenge” fall seminar, which debuts Sept. 9. Visit AOPA.org for dates and locations near you. Filing VFR flight plansIf you file a VFR flight plan, does air traffic control know your route? What does a VFR flight plan actually get you? Learn the answers to these questions, and more, from actual air traffic controllers by watching the Air Safety Institute’s “Ask ATC: VFR Flight Plans” video. ScholarshipsMedEvac Foundation scholarship awardedMatthew Benzen, a flight nurse supervisor for Mercy Life Line, has won the 2013 Safety Management Training Academy (SMTA) scholarship, sponsored by the MedEvac Foundation International. Benzen received the scholarship based on his long-standing dedication to safety in the critical care transport community. He has been actively involved in the air medical community for 12 years. Georgia Airports Association offers scholarshipThe Georgia Airports Association (GAA) is offering a $1,000 scholarship to be used toward the expense of attending an accredited college, university, community college, vocational school, or technical school with an aviation major. The association board of directors will make the selection in October, and announce the recipient at its 2013 Annual Conference and Expo Banquet on Oct. 17. The deadline to apply is Sept. 13. The Ninety-Nines offer scholarships for associate membersThe Fly Now Award (formerly the New Pilot Award) is a progressive award given to associate members of The Ninety-Nines who demonstrate a need for financial assistance to become certificated pilots. The Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholarship Fund has decided to expand the scope of this award to provide up to $3,000 toward completion of the recreational pilot, sport pilot, or private pilot certificate, or non-U.S. equivalent, in any aircraft. The deadline to apply is Sept. 15. Whirly-Girls seek applicants for nine scholarshipsThe Whirly-Girls Scholarship Fund Inc. has opened applications for nine scholarships, which will be given at its awards banquet at 2014 Heli-Expo. Available scholarships include Vertical Reference/External Load Flight Training, P&S Agricultural Services Inc. Flight Training, American Eurocopter Flight Training, and Whirly-Girls Memorial Flight Training. The deadline to apply is Oct. 1. Application open for Barden Aviation ScholarshipsUndergraduate students studying aviation-related curricula at National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) and University Aviation Association (UAA) member institutions are eligible to apply for the UAA Janice K. Barden Aviation Scholarship. This scholarship is named for Janice Barden, who has been active in the aviation community for decades and has served as chair of the NBAA Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition Local Committee for longer than any other person in NBAA history. A completed application package, which includes application form, one essay, one transcript, one résumé, and one letter of recommendation, must be received by NBAA no later than Nov. 1. Helicopter foundation opens applications for scholarshipsHelicopter Foundation International (HFI) is accepting applications for its 2014 scholarship program. The foundation offers up to four commercial helicopter rating scholarships, up to six maintenance technician certificate scholarships, one Michelle North Scholarship for Safety, and up to eight Bill Sanderson Aviation Maintenance Technician Scholarships. The deadline to apply is Nov. 30. International Aerobatic Club offers memorial grantChapter 78 of the International Aerobatic Club is overseeing applications for the Douglas Yost Memorial Aerobatic Scholarship. The scholarship honors Yost, an aspiring young career pilot and aerobatic pilot who lost his life in a motorcycle accident in 2002. The scholarship was designed to promote aviation safety through aerobatic training. The recipient will receive a cash payment of $2,000 for aerobatics training. The deadline to apply is Dec. 31. Reminder: Organizations offer aviation scholarshipsErickson Air-Crane is funding a $6,000 annual Whirly-Girls scholarship to fund a full external load/vertical reference course at Western Helicopters in Rialto, Calif. Applications are due by Oct. 1. The International Council of Air Shows Foundation is offering aviation scholarships to help pilots, aircraft mechanics, performers, and flight instructors with their training needs. Applications are due by Dec. 31. Training Resources
To include an event or to search all events in the calendar, visit AOPA Online. For airport details, including FBO fuel prices, see AOPA Airports. |
Final Exam
Question: You establish two-way radio communications with the tower of the primary airport prior to entering the Class D airspace. The tower request: that you make a straight-in approach to Runway 27. You acknowledge that you will comply with that request. As you continue the approach you hear nothing from the tower. You call the tower seeking a clearance to land. Again, nothing heard from the tower. It is VFR and you can see the tower. How should you proceed?
Answer: A communications failure has occurred after you have entered the Class D airspace. FAR § 91.129(d)(2) provides guidance in this situation. It explains that if the radio fails in flight under VFR the pilot in command may operate and land if— “i. Weather conditions are at or above basic VFR weather minimums; ii. Visual contact with the tower is maintained; and iii. A clearance to land is received.” A clearance to land in this situation would be a steady green light from the tower. See FAR § 91.125, ATC light signals. Got a question for our technical services staff? Contact AOPA. Instrument Tip
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