Training Tips |
Is today the day?
The decision will depend on a variety of factors. Yesterday's traffic pattern practice was slightly shaky at first. But after a timely reminder to keep the yoke back during the flare, landings were perfect. A go-around commanded by the tower when a preceding aircraft dawdled exiting the runway produced calm, precise compliance. The student's confidence grew as the session progressed (and when given the choice of continuing or calling it a day, the student surprised the instructor by electing to continue). Those were excellent developments, but other variables also are in play today. The student pilot—who is strong on preflight preparation but sometimes seems put off by abrupt changes of plans—spent last evening reading up for a dual session of maneuvers, slow flight, and pattern work at a nearby nontowered airport. Soloing has seemed off the table lately with all the recent bad weather; what will the reaction be to a sudden switch? Also, the trainer usually flown by the pair is undergoing maintenance today. The substitute aircraft is identical in most respects, but has less familiar radios and com panel—and as the student likes to say about its flight characteristics, "It just feels different." The most important variable, of course, will be how the trainee performs today. Has yesterday's confidence carried over? Apparently it has. After warming up with a coordination exercise and some maneuvers, the student flies a correct entry to the nontowered airport traffic pattern, and lands like an old hand. On the next two circuits, a go-around and a simulated engine failure also measure up well, as the instructor declares as the trainee taxies the aircraft clear of the runway. There is a flurry of inbound and outbound traffic, and once again the training flight has the airport all to itself. "How are you holding up?" the instructor asks. "Not bad." "Okay, then here's what I would like you to do next..." Training ProductsSporty's offers fresh approach to checklistsSporty's is now offering basic checklists for quick reference. Printed on a high-quality, transparent static cling vinyl, these checklists adhere to a window or clear sun visor. They include a takeoff checklist, before-landing checklist, and several emergency checklists. The cost is $17.95. Latest edition of 'FAA Safety Briefing' now availableThe September/October 2013 issue of FAA Safety Briefing focuses on aviation citizenship. Articles highlight the values, customs, and culture shared as citizens of the general aviation community. Topics include a Q&A with FAA Administrator Michael Huerta, a runway incursion confession, and general aviation news/current events. The briefing is available via PDF, along with iPad, Android, Nook, and Kindle devices. Note: Products listed have not been evaluated by ePilot editors unless otherwise noted. AOPA assumes no responsibility for products or services listed or for claims or actions by manufacturers or vendors. Final ExamQuestionYou are a sport pilot with airplane single-engine land privileges. At your airport you noticed a neat-looking aircraft called a gyroplane and you asked the pilot how you can get rated to fly it. The pilot, who happens to be a flight instructor, says he can train you and another flight instructor can give you a proficiency check. What else is required for you to obtain gyroplane privileges? AnswerThere is no practical test (or knowledge test) required in this case. As a sport pilot, you can obtain other category and class privileges after being trained by one flight instructor and checked by another. The second flight instructor performs a proficiency check and if you succeed the instructor will provide you with a logbook endorsement which allows you to fly with sport pilot privileges in the other category or class. See FAR 61.321 for the full explanation of the requirement. Got a question for our technical services staff? Contact AOPA. |