1. A pilot should be able to overcome the symptoms or avoid future occurrences of hyperventilation by
A. increasing the breathing rate in order to increase lung ventilation.
B. closely monitoring the flight instruments to control the airplane.
C. slowing the breathing rate, breathing into a bag, or talking aloud.
2. Pilots are more subject to spatial disorientation if
A. they ignore the sensations of muscles and inner ear.
B. visual cues are taken away, as they are in instrument meteorological conditions.
C. eyes are moved often in the process of cross-checking the flight instruments.
3. If a control tower and a flight service station are located on the same airport, which function is provided by the FSS during those periods when the tower is closed?
A. Approach control services.
B. Automatic closing of the IFR flight plan.
C. Airport advisory service.
4. What is the purpose of the rudder on an airplane?
A. To control overbanking tendency.
B. To control roll.
C. To control yaw.
5. Which factor would tend to increase the density altitude at a given airport?
A. A decrease in relative humidity.
B. An increase in barometric pressure.
C. An increase in ambient temperature.
6. The width of a Federal Airway from either side of the centerline is
A. Eight nautical miles.
B. Four nautical miles.
C. Six nautical miles.
7. Who is responsible for determining whether a pilot is fit to fly for a particular flight, even though he or she holds a current medical certificate?
A. The medical examiner.
B. The FAA.
C. The pilot.
8. Regarding alcohol, a person may not act as a crewmember of a civil aircraft under what elapsed time after consumption, and blood alcohol content level?
A. 24 hours and 0.04
B. 12 hours and 0.4
C. 8 hours and 0.04
Final Exam Answers
1. The correct answer is C. Attempt to slow and control the breathing rate to consciously bring your breathing back under control. (Aeronautical Information Manual 8-1-3)
2. The correct answer is B. Clouds, low visibilities, precipitation, time of day, and terrain flown over can all conspire to reduce or limit outside visual cues and increase the potential for spatial disorientation. It is times like these that the pilot needs to focus more attention on maintaining straight and level flight by reference to the flight instruments. (Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, Chapter 16)
3. The correct answer is C. A flight service station cannot provide ATC services, but will provide local airport advisories to arriving and departing aircraft. (Aeronautical Information Manual 3-5-1)
4. The correct answer is C. The rudder is a primary flight control and controls movement of the aircraft about the vertical axis, known as yaw. (Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Know-ledge, Chapter 5)
5. The correct answer is C. Density altitude is pressure altitude corrected for nonstandard temperature, and is used for computing aircraft performance. An ambient temperature increase will raise density altitude, while lower elevations, high atmospheric pressure, low temperatures, and low humidity are more indicative of low density altitude. (Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, Chapter 10)
6. The correct answer is B. Federal or Victor Airways are classified as Class E airspace, typically begin at 1,200 feet agl, and extend outward four nautical miles from each side of the centerline. (Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, Chapter 14)
7. The correct answer is C, of course. The pilot is solely responsible for assessing his own personal fitness prior to a planned flight, and making the go/no-go decision. Additionally, FAR 61.53(a) requires a pilot to self-ground under certain medical conditions.
8. The correct answer is C. FAR 91.17(a) details the legal requirements for flying after alcohol consumption. In addition to these two set parameters, flying also is not permitted if the pilot is under the influence of alcohol.