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Success Stories

Runway in sight

The Foggles are off

Name: Tommy Condon
Age: 19
Event: Instrument checkride
Where: Billings Logan International Airport (BIL),Billings, Montana
Airplane: Piper Archer

Tommy CondonI have been told time and time again that the instrument rating is by far the most important of all. I never doubted any pilot who told me this, especially after my first flight in instrument meteorological conditions in the right seat of Cessna 402. Having clouds all around with the potential for icing fascinated me, and from that moment I could see why the instrument rating is so important, especially when you fly in Montana.

Throughout my second semester at Rocky Mountain College I have never been so eager to go up and fly only to put on Foggles once airborne. I hear most people are sick of the instrument training before the halfway mark, but I couldn’t seem to get enough. Every night before my next lesson I would fly on my flight simulator in simulated IMC and fly each approach that was specified for my next lesson. I felt like a true airline pilot, dialing in and listening to navaid frequencies and being “cleared for the ILS Runway 28R approach.”

The best part of my instrument training by far is when I take off my Foggles and I am right on centerline when flying the ILS to minimums. It is the best feeling knowing you can navigate an airplane from takeoff to landing with practically never looking outside. I was able to finish my instrument training in about five months, and I am very happy to be instrument-rated since it will be a huge factor the rest of my flying career.

Passed my checkride!

Chris DepueIn eight months and 41 hours

Name: Chris Depue
Age: 42
Event: Private pilot checkride
Where: East Kansas City Airport (3GV), Grain Valley, Missouri
Airplane: Cessna 172

I passed my checkride today! It took me just over eight months and 41 hours of flight time. I’m excited for new adventures that lie ahead! Last night I thought about all the people and resources that helped me. AOPA was definitely a huge part of my success. From the magazine with the well-written articles and practice test questions to the e-mail knowledge tips and the great iphone app that I use all the time, it all helped to make the journey easier. AOPA was a great choice and a great investment in my success.

AOPA Flight Training staff
AOPA Flight Training Staff editors are experienced pilots and flight instructors dedicated to supporting student pilots, pilots, and flight instructors in lifelong learning.

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