Powerful Learning’s Online Pilot Training
There are almost as many test preparation courses as there are student pilots, so finding the right one can be difficult. If your preference is comprehensive courses that are web-based and allow self-paced learning, Powerful Learning’s Online Pilot Training is worth a try.
Unlike crash courses that seek only to cram the minimum information necessary to pass, OPT was designed as a full knowledge course. The course is split into 62 modules. Each module covers the applicable information with a user-controlled audio slideshow. Questions are peppered throughout to make sure users are paying attention. The student must also pass a 10-question quiz associated with each module, with a score of 80 percent or better. There are also two final exams that require a passing score. OPT includes a robust library that’s easily accessible anywhere in the course with a number of FAA handbooks, advisory circulars, and other guides. There’s also a handy flashcard mode that works equally well for quizzing and learning material. A concise answer is supplied as a traditional flashcard style, but a detailed explanation also is provided to further enhance learning. You can try OPT for free with a demo lesson that comes with a nice perk of 10 percent off the final purchase if it’s completed. The demo is very representative of the entire experience.
Price: $179; Flight Training readers get a 30-percent discount until February 28.
Contact: www.powerful-learning.com/flighttraining
Ascent Ground School. There are times when you’re studying for the various FAA tests that it’s really nice to prepare with questions over and over again. Many free websites exist for this, but Ascent Ground School is an option with nice features.Since there’s no login, it’s easy to drop in when you have anything from a few minutes to a few hours. A set of core learning material is broken down into 14 chapters. Each subsection includes a quick question to reinforce the training. Corresponding to each lesson is a series of subject-specific flashcards and quizzes. The website also includes a nice FAA library that the developer hopes to soon make searchable by title. With its great user interface, adaptive design that makes it work well on any electronic device, and solid information, Ascent Ground School is one to bookmark for your FAA knowledge test.
Price: Free
Contact: www.ascentgroundschool.com
ASA Checkride Apps. The oral exam guides from ASA have long been a staple for pilots prepping for their practical tests. Now the company is offering the library through a series of applications.
ASA’s Checkride Apps are available for private, instrument, commercial, multiengine, flight instructor, helicopter, and flight review. Each includes hundreds of questions that users can quiz themselves with in preparation for the oral exam portion of the FAA practical test. Since the application lives completely on the user’s device, there’s no need for any sort of Internet connection while using it.
Price: $9.99 each
Contact: www.asa2fly.com; Apple App Store