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ASI News

And now for some airplane panel amusement

A spoof on a serious topic

Caveat: Distractions while flying can be hazardous, often forging one of the most dangerous links in an accident chain.

ASI NewsWant to know more? Fly along with the Air Safety Institute “iPanel” Pilot Safety Announcement, which takes a tongue-in-cheek look at the modern electronic cockpit’s endless opportunities for distraction. It’s a satirical reminder that aircraft are still aircraft and need a pilot mentally aboard. Enjoy the ride and remember to fly the airplane, not the panel (

Airspace ‘on the go’ with e-Flash Cards

Learn the complex environment anywhere you go

Are you allowed to fly through an active Warning Area without contacting ATC? How about a Special Flight Rules Area?

Whether you’re cramming for your checkride or preparing for cross-country flight, it’s your responsibility to fly safe and make sure you know your airspace. Learning the rules that govern our sky can be a tedious task, and if you’re facing a checkride, describing complex airspace nuances may be a bewildering and daunting experience unless you’re prepared. That’s why the Air Safety Institute has developed a handy set of airspace flash cards, optimized for mobile devices, so you can study the various airspace dimensions and regulations and on the go.

From basic chart interpretation to understanding temporary flight restrictions, you’ll come away with important navigation facts before takeoff. The flash cards make it practical, easy, and even enjoyable for pilots at any certificate level to absorb critical knowledge and keep the different airspace categories straight. Each card includes a color depiction of the airspace, a description of its characteristics, and a discussion question.

Download the cards to your mobile device. Visit the website for updates as airspace changes can occur from time to time.

AOPA Air Safety Institute staff
AOPA Air Safety Institute Staff members share a deep passion for aviation safety. As compassionate pilots, we bring together safety research, analysis, and knowledge in creative ways to share aviation safety education with you—with the ultimate goal of one day having zero fatal accidents in GA.

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