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Put ground school in your hands with these five apps

While in flight training, student pilots have access to myriad tools to get their studying done. Below we look at five apps designed to prepare for knowledge exam and checkride. These are not endorsements of any apps.

RideReady Private Pilot Airplane FAA Checkride Oral Exam Study Guide ($34.99 in iTunes)—This app, optimized for the iPhone 5, helps student pilots prepare for their checkride. The app includes illustrated and updated question sets drawn from checkrides that mimic practical test conditions.

Prepware Private Pilot ($9.99 in Windows Store) —The app serves as a comprehensive preparation, study, and test tool for the Private Pilot FAA Knowledge Exam. It has more than 1,000 sample questions, answers, and explanations, either to study by subject or as a practice test. It provides a mobile solution for pilots preparing for their FAA knowledge exam.

Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge ($0.99 in iTunes) —Student pilots can use this iPhone/iPad app to study the basic skills and knowledge essential for learning to fly. The app covers materials including takeoffs and climbs, basic flight maneuvers, aircraft traffic patterns, and slow flight, stalls, and spins.

Rod Machado's Private Pilot Handbook ($49.99 in iTunes) —This  iPhone/iPad app has more than 1,000 illustrations and photos about how airplanes fly. The app uses analogies, memory aids, graphics, and humor to explain aerodynamics, meteorology, navigation, airspace, and other subjects.

Cross Wind Assistant ($0.99 in Google Play) —This smartphone app was designed as a training tool for flight instructors and student pilots. It helps student pilots visualize wind conditions during the takeoff and landing phases of flight.

See a list of some apps already reviewed is here.

Topics: Gear, Apps, Training and Safety

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