1. Flight through a restricted area should not be accomplished unless the pilot has
a. received prior authorization from the controlling agency.
b. filed an IFR flight plan.
c. received prior permission from the commanding officer of the nearest military base.
2. Changes in the center of pressure of a wing affect the aircraft’s
a. lift/drag ratio.
b. lifting capacity.
c. aerodynamic balance and controllability.
3. What causes an airplane (except a T-tail) to pitch nose down when power is reduced and controls are not adjusted?
a. When thrust is reduced to less than weight, lift also is reduced and the wings can no longer support the weight
b. The downwash on the elevators from the propeller slipstream is reduced and elevator effectiveness is reduced.
c. The center of gravity shifts forward when thrust and drag are reduced.
4. The normal radius of the procedural outer area of Class C airspace is
a. five nautical miles.
b. 15 nautical miles.
c. 20 nautical miles.
5. If an in-flight emergency requires immediate action, the pilot in command may
a. not deviate from any rule of 14 CFR part 91 unless prior to the deviation approval is granted by the Administrator.
b. deviate from any rule of 14 CFR part 91 to the extent required to meet that emergency.
c. deviate from any rule of 14 CFR part 91 to the extent required to meet the emergency, but must submit a written report to the FAA administrator within 24 hours.
6. How should an aircraft preflight inspection be accomplished for the first flight of the day?
a. Any sequence as determined by the pilot-in-command.
b. Quick walk around with a check of gas and oil.
c. Thorough and systematic means recommended by the manufacturer.
7. When should a standard 121.5 MHz emergency locator transmitter be tested?
a. At 15 and 45 minutes past the hour.
b. Anytime.
c. During the first five minutes after the hour.
8. Which airspeed indicator color identifies the airplane power-off stalling speed with wing flaps and landing gear in the landing configuration?
a. Upper limit of the green arc.
b. Upper limit of the white arc.
c. Lower limit of the white arc.
Final Exam Answers
1. The correct answer is A. An active or hot restricted area requires permission to enter from the controlling ATC facility. Neither a flight plan nor CO approval are required, however. (FAR 91.133, Aeronautical Information Manual 3-4-3)
2. The correct answer is C. Center of pressure (CP) is the imaginary but determinable point at which all of the upward lift forces on the wing are concentrated. At high angles of attack, the CP moves forward, while at low angles of attack the CP moves aft. The relationship of the CP to the center of gravity affects aerodynamic balance and controllability. (Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, chapter 4)
3. The correct answer is B. The question excludes T-tail airplanes as the tail is usually above the propeller slipstream and downwash of air from the wings. Otherwise, reducing power alone will cause a nose-down pitch. (Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, chapter 4)
4. The correct answer is C. Class C airspace is comprised of a five nautical mile radius surface area and a 10-nm radius shelf; these are the depicted areas on navigational charts. Additionally, there is a 20-nm non-depicted outer area in which ATC services are available, but optional for a pilot to use. (AIM 3-2-4; FAR 91.130)
5. The correct answer is B. FAR 91.3(b) provides the pilot with much latitude during an in-flight emergency. A written report is required only if specifically requested.
6. The correct answer is C. Although A is not a wrong answer, C is the best answer. Flight instructors teach students to use the manufacturer-provided preflight checklist to ensure all items are inspected, leaving nothing to memory—which could result in something being missed.
7. The correct answer is C. Tests should be no longer than three audible sweeps. 406 MHz ELTs should be tested according to manufacturer procedures. (AIM 6-2-4(b))
8. The correct answer is C. VSO is easily identified as the lowest speed on the white arc. (FAR 1.2)