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California pilot first ‘Learn & Earn Safety Challenge’ winner

Stratus 2 will be ‘perfect companion in the cockpit’

Michael Campolo got back into the cockpit after 20 years with the help of the Air Safety Institute’s free online courses and multimedia programs, and his participation earned him a Stratus 2 ADS-B receiver through the institute’s “Learn and Earn Safety Challenge.”

Michael Campolo is excited about having returned to flying after a 20-year hiatus. In a surprise phone call from AOPA Air Safety Institute Senior Vice President George Perry, Campolo learned he had won a Stratus 2 Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) receiver, courtesy of Sporty’s Pilot Shop, for actively participating in the Air Safety Institute’s “Learn & Earn Safety Challenge.” Campolo has been busy brushing up on his skills with the institute’s award-winning courses, videos, and case studies. His completion of Accident Case Study: Time Lapse landed him the coveted prize.

Campolo became a certificated pilot in 1991, but stopped flying during 1995. An avid online learner, he decided the best way to get back into the cockpit safely would be with the help of the Air Safety Institute’s free online courses and multimedia programs. “The programs are structured so you can focus on the subject matter and complete them in a timely manner,” said Campolo. He’s pleased that AOPA and other industry resources are helping lapsed pilots back into the air with initiatives like AOPA’s Rusty Pilots Program and resources to learn about changes in regulations and airspace. “Also, winning Sporty’s Stratus 2 ADS-B receiver was a great surprise—it will be a perfect companion in the cockpit taking my situational awareness to the next level,” he said.

How about you? Are you up for having some fun, brushing up on safety, and getting rewarded, to boot? Enter the Air Safety Institute’s second quarter “Learn and Earn Safety Challenge” for a chance to win each time you complete a free online safety course, Real Pilot Story, or Accident Case Study.

Here’s how it works. Take the interactive safety challenge to identify a course tailored specifically to your experience level and flying style. The challenge is fun and it provides an easy starting place. Next, go to your online transcript to identify other courses you wish to take. To top it off you will be rewarded by gaining new knowledge while honing your flying skills, and any time you complete a course you will automatically receive an additional entry into the prize drawings—so take more courses to earn more chances to win.

The Air Safety Institute’s “Learn and Earn Safety Challenge” will run throughout 2015, with four separate winners announced quarterly.

Visit the website for complete rules and additional details. Good luck!

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