April 30, 2015
Contact: Steve Hedges
[email protected]
FREDERICK, Md. – The Board of the International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations (IAOPA) has approved full membership for the Estonian Private Pilots Association to join IAOPA as the affiliate in Estonia, making the organization the 74th IAOPA affiliate member.
The Estonian Private Pilots Association is headquartered in Tallinn, Estonia and is a not-for-profit association dedicated to uniting persons engaged in non-commercial aviation activities and interested in hobby aviation in the Republic of Estonia.
Mr. Raul Reap serves as president of the association. The Estonian Private Pilots Association will be included in IAOPA’s European Region and is committed to promoting the importance of general aviation to the public.
The International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations represent the interests of more than 450,000 pilots and aircraft owners in 74 countries. Formed in 1962, IAOPA is dedicated to promoting the peaceful uses of general aviation and aerial work worldwide. For more information visit www.IAOPA.org.
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