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Brian J. Terwilliger

Documentary filmmaker

Brian J. Terwilliger

Who: Brian J. Terwilliger
Age: 39
Occupation: Producer/director
Hours: 350
Aircraft: Cessna 182
Extra: "I love capturing images that convey my romance with flying and then share them with others through my films."

Brian J. Terwilliger first shared his passion for aviation in the documentary film One Six Right, an homage to general aviation and the airport where he received his training, California's Van Nuys Airport. With Living in the Age of Airplanes, his recently released film distributed by National Geographic Studios, Terwilliger celebrates the advent of the airplane and its impact on modern life. The film is a visual feast for the eyes with its stunning photography and a beautiful tribute to aviation—it is narrated by actor and pilot Harrison Ford.

Started in aviation…I grew up going to airshows and flying model airplanes. During high school, my best friend Jon got his pilot’s license and took me for a flight in his 172. We flew down the Hudson River Corridor and circled the Statue of Liberty. I was so amazed. We were teenagers, yet he was a licensed pilot! I soloed within three months of my first flight with Jon and earned my private six months later.

Early challenges…Early in my training, it was easy to stay consistent with my flight lessons. After I soloed, however, I found that sometimes a couple of weeks would go by—at one point a whole month between lessons. I thankfully was able to finish strong in the last few months, but in retrospect, I think it's key to have what it takes to finish (both time and money) before you start.

Hardest lesson…Realizing—and respecting—that your personal limits and the legal limits aren’t always the same.

Aviation activity…I still enjoy airshows, but after making a couple aviation-related movies, I’d have to say that filming airplanes air-to-air is my favorite activity of all.

Favorite airplane…My few minutes of flying an F–18 from the backseat of a Blue Angels jet was the ultimate thrill.

Advice for students…Aviation needs you! Stay the course and do everything you can to persevere and finish what you so passionately started. You can do it!

See more information on Living in the Age of Airplanes on the website (

'Living in the age of airplanes' was filmed in 18 countries across all seven continents.

AOPA Flight Training staff
AOPA Flight Training Staff editors are experienced pilots and flight instructors dedicated to supporting student pilots, pilots, and flight instructors in lifelong learning.

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