Training Tips
A pilot who recently made a 1,000-mile flight down the East Coast to deliver a two-seat training aircraft to a new owner will likely increase his future safety margins after noting a surprisingly high fuel burn at one of the trip's fuel stops. The experience also reminds pilots never to regard casually what may seem like small differences in performance parameters when flying in nonstandard atmospheric conditions—especially in an aircraft with a modest fuel supply. Read more...
Flight Training News
Although questions about the En Route Flight Advisory Service (EFAS) are being dropped from the private pilot knowledge test, the service remains available, the FAA said. Read more...
You can't take a major airline to see the swimming pigs in Staniel Cay in the Bahamas, or to see the natural hot springs at a remote corner of Death Valley National Park. With your pilot certificate and some preflight planning, however, you can enjoy the hidden treasures of out-of-the-way places that are hard to reach by other means. Read more...
Young Eagles, Sporty's reach course milestone
More than 30,000 young people have enrolled in Sporty's Online Learn to Fly Course after their Experimental Aircraft Association Young Eagles flight, EAA announced Jan. 28. EAA-member volunteer pilots provide demonstration flights to young people ages 8 to 17 through the Young Eagles program; the Sporty's sport, recreational, and private pilot ground school course was offered free to Young Eagles beginning in 2009. More than 1.9 million young people have been flown through the Young Eagles program since its launch in 1992, EAA said.
SunState Aviation adds air-conditioned airplanes
SunState Aviation has added two new, air-conditioned Cessna 172SPs to its training fleet, the Kissimmee, Florida-based flight school announced. Students may upgrade to the cooler aircraft, which are equipped with Garmin G1000 avionics, for their private pilot or instrument rating training.
Guidance Aviation philanthropy earns award
Donations of more than $580,000 since 2007 helped earn Prescott, Arizona, helicopter school Guidance Aviation the title of Prescott's Most Philanthropic Business for organizations with more than 50 employees. Given during the Healthy Prescott Business Awards, hosted by the Prescott Chamber of Commerce on Jan. 29, the award recognizes Guidance Aviation for philanthropic efforts including cash, aircraft, equipment, and in-kind flight donations; among them, the school donated a Robinson R44 helicopter to the Yavapai County Sheriff's Office to support its search-and-rescue program.
A new scholarship from National Business Aviation Association Charities that will send current or aspiring maintenance technicians to Falcon Jet aircraft initial maintenance courses is among the aviation scholarships available in 2015. Read more...
Student pilots who are members of The International Organization of Women Pilots (The Ninety-Nines) are eligible to apply for the spring 2015 Fly Now Award. Read more...
Training Resources
Login required
Is your GPS "direct to" knob worn out from overuse or your aircraft's pilot's operating handbook still wrapped up, tucked in the back seat? Perhaps a quick refresher is in order with the Air Safety Institute's "Aircraft Systems and Avionics" Safety Spotlight. Crack the code and navigate your aircraft systems like a pro...
Did you know that student pilots who join AOPA are three times more likely to complete their flight training? Membership includes unlimited access to aviation information by phone (800/USA-AOPA, weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern time) or from Flight Training Online or AOPA Online. If you're not already a member, join today and get the pilot's edge.
AOPA Live This Week
AOPA advocacy experts dissect a presidential budget proposal that, for the first time in years, does not include general aviation user fees. Enstrom Helicopter Corp. got a reset with fresh investment from China, and Bill Harrelson talks about his single-engine circumnavigation and world record claim. Watch AOPA Live This Week®, Feb. 5...
Career Pilot
Alaska, Horizon employees get bonus payouts
Employees at Alaska Airlines and Horizon Air on Jan. 26 received annual bonuses of more than 9 percent of their annual salary as part of Alaska Air Group's incentive-based pay program. The bonus is in addition to about $1,000 in monthly bonuses from 2014 that most employees earned for achieving on-time and customer satisfaction goals, according to the company.
For more aviation career news, see the Flight Training website.
Plane Spotter
Two up front
Nothing says "joyride" like open-cockpit biplanes—as true today as it was in the 1920s when aircraft like the Waco 10/GXE were taking thrill-seekers aloft, and finding service as trainers, aerobatic aircraft, and charter ships. The basic Waco 10 (later renamed GXE) was powered by a liquid-cooled 90-horsepower Curtiss OX-5 engine. Two passengers rode in a cockpit in front of the pilot. "Innovations included an in-flight-adjustable horizontal stabilizer and 'oleo' strut hydraulic landing gear," says the Western Antique Aeroplane and Automobile Museum of the 1928 example in its collection.
Training Products
Brush up on nontowered airport communication
A free online course from King Schools guides students through arrival to and departure from airports without an operating control tower. Non-Towered Airport Communications explains radio call-up procedures, terminology, using the radio to enhance safety, and more. Enroll online.
Note: Products listed have not been evaluated by ePilot editors unless otherwise noted. AOPA assumes no responsibility for products or services listed or for claims or actions by manufacturers or vendors.
Member Benefits
Members only
There are many medical conditions for which the FAA expects the airman to provide some documentation at the time of the physical exam, but that will not lead to a special issuance. Warren Silberman, former manager of FAA Aerospace Medical Certification, discusses what documentation you should provide if you have had a skin lesion or tumor removed, a hernia, problems with a spinal disc, or joint replacement surgery, and in what cases you may not need a special issuance. Read more...
Member benefits
The Emergency Assistance Plus program from AOPA Insurance Services provides more than 20 different types of valuable and affordable travel benefits that help you pay for emergencies your health and travel insurance generally will not cover. Read more...
What makes a good schedule for an airline pilot? What about a paycheck? Blogger Chip Wright answers common questions about flying for the airlines. Read more...
Do you preflight your iPad? Find out how in the March issue of Flight Training magazine. The issue also highlights the best flight instructor and flight school, as chosen by readers, and more. Read more...
Instrument Tip
What would you choose to work on if offered a complimentary hour to tackle the IFR proficiency challenge of your choice?
What will air traffic control tower personnel think when you or your instructor request multiple instrument approaches to the airport? Find out in this installment of the Air Safety Institute's popular "Ask ATC" series. Watch the video...
Final Exam
When approaching an airport without an operating control tower, how far away from the airport should a pilot start communicating on the common traffic advisory frequency (CTAF)?
Section 4-1-9 of the Aeronautical Information Manual recommends communicating on the CTAF starting at 10 miles away from the airport.
Got a question for our technical services staff? Contact AOPA.
Career Opportunities
Aviation job board
Redbird Flight Simulations is seeking a talented, creative, and driven individual to produce entertaining and informative videos for its products and flight training. The eligible candidate will handle all aspects of production including storyboards, writing/scripting, shooting, editing, and graphic animation. Independent judgment is required to plan, prioritize, and organize a diversified workload. Read the full job description now.
AOPA career opportunities
Ever dream of turning your passion for aviation into a career? We're looking for a vice president for major and leadership gifts; Sitecore developer; director of studies, research, and analysis; administrative assistant, Air Safety Institute; Air Safety Institute intern; graphic designer; associate editor—Web/ePilot; senior advertising sales/account executive; online marketing manager; .Net applications developer; and account manager II. To learn more about other AOPA career opportunities, visit AOPA Online.
Education and Seminars
Flight Instructor Refresher Courses
Feb 7-8 - Sacramento, California; Nashua, New Hampshire; Louisville, Kentucky; Fairfax, Virginia; and New Orleans, Louisiana
Feb 21-22 - Fort Worth, Texas; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; North Las Vegas, Nevada; and Melbourne, Florida
Mar 7-8 - Phoenix, Arizona; and Orlando, Florida
Mar 14-15 - Columbia, Maryland; and Burlingame, California
For a complete schedule, see AOPA Online. Can't make it in person? Sign up for the Air Safety Institute's Online eFIRC.
Air Safety Institute Safety Seminars
Feb 9 - Germantown, Tennessee; and Fayetteville, Arkansas
Feb 10 - Nashville, Tennessee; and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Feb 11 - Wichita, Kansas; and Maryville, Tennessee
Feb 16 - Jacksonville, Florida
Topics vary—for details and a complete schedule, see AOPA Online.
Rusty Pilot Seminars
Feb 26 - Louisville, Kentucky; and Madison, Wisconsin
Feb 28 - Mobile, Alabama; Chandler, Arizona; and Burlington, Washington
Mar 5 - Dallas, Texas
Mar 19 - Buffalo, New York
For a complete schedule, see AOPA Online.
Aviation Calendar
Want something to do this weekend? Planning an aviation getaway? See AOPA's enhanced calendar of events. Now you can filter events by date range, airport ID, state, or region. Before you take off on an adventure, make sure you check our current aviation weather provided by Jeppesen.
To include an event or to search all events in the calendar, visit AOPA Online. For airport details, including FBO fuel prices, see AOPA Airports.
AOPA Featured Events
May 16 — Salinas, California. Salinas Municipal Airport (KSNS). AOPA Fly-In.
Jun 6 — Frederick, Maryland. Frederick Municipal Airport (KFDK). AOPA Homecoming Fly-In.
Aug 22 — Minneapolis, Minnesota. Anoka County-Blaine Airport (KANE). AOPA Fly-In.
Sep 26 — Colorado Springs, Colorado. Colorado Springs Municipal Airport (KCOS). AOPA Fly-In.
Oct 10 — Tullahoma, Tennessee. Tullahoma Regional Airport (KTHA). AOPA Fly-In.
ePilot Flight Training Editors:
Sarah Deener
Alyssa Miller
Jim Moore
Production Assistant:
Melissa Whitehouse |
Jill W. Tallman
Warren Morningstar
Alton K. Marsh
Dave Hirschman
Tom Horne
Ian J. Twombly
Dan Namowitz |