Training Tips
Before your scheduled cross-country, a call to Flight Service paints a picture of the weather for the route. "I wouldn't recommend VFR across the route," the briefer says. Is this a mild caution or a cue to cancel your flight immediately? Don't let an undramatic presentation of a "VFR not recommended" advisory rob you of your ability to use good judgment about its importance. Read more...

Flight Training News
The Breitling Jet Team, aerobatic stars Michael Goulian and Sean D. Tucker, NTSB Chairman Christopher A. Hart, retired Navy Cmdr. Kirk S. Lippold, and filmmaker Brian Terwilliger are some of the big names headlining AOPA's Homecoming Fly-In in Frederick, Maryland, June 6. Read more...

Pilots who suddenly find themselves in an unusual attitude face shock and startle factors that make it more difficult to recover from a situation that has the potential to quickly become an emergency. AOPA Air Safety Institute Chief Flight Instructor Kristine Hartzell takes you inside Prevailance Aerospace's corporate upset and recovery training program. Read more and watch a video...

Flash-based, login required
As the summer season heats up, so does the potential for encountering dangerous convective activity. Learn how to communicate effectively with ATC, how controllers describe precipitation, and what radar services they can offer with the Air Safety Institute's Weather Wise: Thunderstorms and ATC online course. Take the course...
Solar Impulse 2 was forced to land in Japan after a cold front made the Pacific Ocean crossing to Hawaii too dangerous to attempt. Read more...

The Ninety-Nines and the Experimental Aircraft Association will award $3,000 to support one young woman's flight training through her first solo and beyond through the 2015 Karen Johnson Solo Scholarship. Read more...

Training Resources
Online resource
The FAA has mandated ADS-B Out equipage by Jan. 1, 2020, for aircraft flying in most airspace where a transponder is required today. Find information on the technology and products in a new online resource. Plus, a new selector tool helps you choose the best equipment for your type of flying. Get started... 
Login required
The flight review is an opportunity to brush up on maneuvers and make sure you're up to date on any changes since your last flight review or checkride. Do you know what the regulations require? Test your knowledge in this Air Safety Institute quiz. Take the quiz...
Did you know that student pilots who join AOPA are three times more likely to complete their flight training? Membership includes unlimited access to aviation information by phone (800/USA-AOPA, weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern time) or from Flight Training Online or AOPA Online. If you're not already a member, join today and get the pilot's edge.
AOPA Live This Week
A ditching was caught on tape, and Air Safety Institute Senior Vice President George Perry gives tips to save your life in the event of a forced landing on water. Plus, AOPA Live® shows you the very theatrical rollout of the new Dassault Falcon 5X business jet. Watch AOPA Live This Week, June 4...

Career Pilot
NASA awards Boeing first commercial human spaceflight mission
NASA recently ordered its first International Space Station crew rotation mission from The Boeing Co., NASA announced May 27. SpaceX is expected to receive its first order later in 2015, the agency added, though NASA has not yet determined which company will fly its mission first. NASA's Commercial Crew Program's first mission is scheduled for late 2017, "provided the contractors meet certain readiness conditions."
American, Southwest weigh in on projected growth
Will increasing capacity of U.S. airlines lead to price wars—and a corresponding impact on profits? American Airlines CEO Doug Parker told Mad Money's Jim Cramer that added capacity in the industry exceeds demand, while Southwest Airlines CEO Gary Kelly stood by his company's plan to increase seats in 2015, according to CNBC.
For more aviation career news, see the Flight Training website.
Plane Spotter
Pelican's progress
Whether a plane spotter reports a sighting as an Ultravia Pelican from Quebec, Canada, or a Kolb Sport 600 from London, Kentucky, don't forget to ask whether the versatile light sport aircraft was spotted on floats, on conventional (tailwheel) landing gear, or in tricycle gear configuration. The turbocharged Rotax-engine-powered airplane shown has good short-field capability, cruises at 125 knots at 6,000 feet, and burns 5 to 6 gph, reports owner Kerry Requa of Twin Falls, Idaho. Flaps extend to 45 degrees, and the ailerons have 17 degrees of travel.
Training Products
New textbook covers multiengine flying
A new textbook from ASA uses real-world scenarios and examples to help pilots gain the knowledge required to earn a multiengine rating. The Pilot's Manual: Multi-Engine Flying discusses the differences between single- and multiengine aircraft and provides information on systems, aerodynamics, and performance. It is available in hardcover, e-book PDF, e-book ePub, and iBook formats, or as an e-bundle.
Note: Products listed have not been evaluated by ePilot editors unless otherwise noted. AOPA assumes no responsibility for products or services listed or for claims or actions by manufacturers or vendors.
Member Benefits
Member benefits
You don't have to be a Fortune 500 company or multinational corporation to benefit from using a general aviation aircraft in pursuit of business. In fact, thousands of entrepreneurs and small companies currently use GA aircraft and gain a competitive advantage. Why not you? Read more...

Pilot Protection Services
There is a potential for three FAA reporting obligations following a DUI-type event. Failure to make timely reports, as necessary, can have serious consequences. Read more...

Do you train and fly as you would for the job you eventually want to have? You can start by developing a disciplined use of checklists. Read more...

Opinion Leaders blogger Amy Laboda shares highlights from the Regional Airline Association conference, where FAA reauthorization, a pilot shortage, and more was discussed. Laboda writes that general aviation pilots should take an interest in what various aviation groups—both U.S. based and abroad—are saying about the topics, especially because "GA pilots have a stake in how the FAA's limited resources are parceled out." Read more...

Imagine being able to create an instrument approach while en route, and then fly the approach down to a minimum of 200 feet in 3/4 statute miles visibility. It's not as crazy as it sounds, writes blogger Markus Lavenson. Learn how IFR helicopter pilots are adapting approach templates to almost any location offshore in the Gulf of Mexico. Read more...

After performing the maneuvers and precision landings for his commercial pilot checkride, Tommy Condon prepared for the power-off 180. The 20-year-old pilot recounts his latest achievement. Read more...

Instrument Tip
There was a bang, the instructor says, followed by a vibration in the control column. Did something on the cowling let go, striking the tail? Read more...

Final Exam
A pilot holds a private pilot certificate for airplane single-engine land and sea. In order to operate aircraft in both of those classes, does the pilot need to get a separate flight review for each aircraft class?
No. FAR 61.56 requires that a pilot complete a flight review in an aircraft for which that pilot is rated, but makes no differentiation between classes or categories.
Got a question for our technical services staff? Contact AOPA.
Career Opportunities
Aviation job board
The Charleston County, South Carolina, Sheriff's Office is seeking applicants for helicopter pilot vacancies. The Air Support Unit currently operates two Bell OH-58A helicopters equipped for NVG and FLIR operations. This unit provides law enforcement aviation capability to assist with missing persons, search and rescue, and patrol operations; vehicle pursuits; and VIP security, as well as large public event security. Read the full job description now.
AOPA career opportunities
Ever dream of turning your passion for aviation into a career? We're looking for part time, temporary digital product support; a marketing project coordinator; accounting clerk; account executive, AOPA corporate partnerships; manager, airport policy; videographer, Air Safety Institute; senior director of government affairs (airport advocacy); director of government affairs (airspace/air traffic); aviation technical specialist; vice president, information and technology; outreach and events specialist; vice president for major and leadership gifts; director of studies, research, and analysis; and account executive. To learn more about other AOPA career opportunities, visit AOPA Online.
Education and Seminars
Flight Instructor Refresher Courses
Jun 13-14 - Orlando, Florida; Santa Clara, California; and Bloomington, Minnesota
Jun 20-21 - Sterling, Virginia
Jun 27-28 - Charlotte, North Carolina; Columbus, Ohio; and Phoenix, Arizona
Jul 11-12 - Parsippany, New Jersey; and Millington, Tennessee
For a complete schedule, see AOPA Online. Can't make it in person? Sign up for the Air Safety Institute's Online eFIRC.
Air Safety Institute Safety Seminars
Jun 6 - Frederick, Maryland
Topics vary—for details and a complete schedule, see AOPA Online.
Rusty Pilot Seminars
Jun 6 - Frederick, Maryland
Jun 20 - Winnemucca, Nevada
Jun 27 - Fullerton, California
Jun 28 - Greenwood, South Carolina
For a complete schedule, see AOPA Online.
Aviation Calendar
Want something to do this weekend? Planning an aviation getaway? See AOPA's enhanced calendar of events. Now you can filter events by date range, airport ID, state, or region. Before you take off on an adventure, make sure you check our current aviation weather provided by Jeppesen.
To include an event or to search all events in the calendar, visit AOPA Online. For airport details, including FBO fuel prices, see AOPA Airports.
AOPA Featured Events
Jun 6 — Frederick, Maryland. Frederick Municipal Airport (KFDK). AOPA Fly-In.
Aug 22 — Minneapolis, Minnesota. Anoka County-Blaine Airport (KANE). AOPA Fly-In.
Sep 26 — Colorado Springs, Colorado. Colorado Springs Municipal Airport (KCOS). AOPA Fly-In.
Oct 10 — Tullahoma, Tennessee. Tullahoma Regional Airport (KTHA). AOPA Fly-In.
Photo Contest
Who's your favorite co-pilot?
Pilots have been sharing their favorite photos of how they share their passion for general aviation and flying with their best flying friends. Sporty's and AOPA selected a grand prize winner May 29. Congratulations to Jeff Fisher whose photo, "Bogs with the boy," was selected as the winner. Fisher will receive a one-year AOPA Premier Membership and a $200 Sporty's gift card.
ePilot Flight Training Editors:
Sarah Deener
Alyssa Miller
Jim Moore
David Tulis
Production Assistant:
Melissa Whitehouse |
Jill W. Tallman
Warren Morningstar
Alton K. Marsh
Dave Hirschman
Tom Horne
Ian J. Twombly
Dan Namowitz |