As a new instrument-rated pilot, I enjoyed the “Please Hold” article by Jamie Beckett (April 2015 Flight Training). However, there was an error.
The Aeronautical Information Manual in section 5-3-3 states that, “The time and altitude or flight level upon reaching a holding fix or point to which cleared” constitutes a mandatory reporting point. This does not mean after established in the hold, but actually upon reaching the holding fix for the first time.” This is in contradiction with the text, which states, “When you cross the fix again and turn outbound, you can contact ATC to report you are established in the hold.” The error is also implied again in the sidebar, “Talk: Notify ATC You Are Established in the Hold.” The notification should occur the first time you cross the holding fix.
This misconception about hold reporting, although somewhat common, really should not make it to print in Flight Training. It might not seem like a big deal, but the time difference (between first and second crossing of the fix) will be three to four minutes, which does make a difference to ATC.
Additionally, primacy (learning things right the first time) is very important in aviation training. Thanks for your continued work at supporting flight training!
Joe Janosik
Avon, Ohio
I just want to say that I do enjoy the experience AOPA gives through its website and magazines. Without it I probably would have given up a while ago. I do find it very valuable for where I’m at in my journey. I am looking forward to many more years.
Mike Brosnan
Longmeadow, Massachusetts