1. What are the processes by which moisture is added to unsaturated air?
A. Heating and condensation.
B. Supersaturation and evaporation.
C. Evaporation and sublimation.
2. If a true heading of 135 degrees results in a ground track of 130 degrees and a true airspeed of 135 knots results in a groundspeed of 140 knots, the wind would be from
A. 19 degrees and 12 knots.
B. 246 degrees and 13 knots.
C. 200 degrees and 13 knots.
3. Which statement relates to Bernoulli’s principle?
A. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
B. An additional upward force is generated as the lower surface of the wing deflects air downward.
C. Air traveling faster over the curved upper surface of an airfoil causes lower pressure on the top surface.
4. During the life cycle of a thunderstorm, which stage is characterized predominately by downdrafts?
A. Dissipating.
B. Mature.
C. Cumulus.
5. When may an emergency locator transmitter (ELT) be tested?
A. During the first five minutes after the hour.
B. Anytime.
C. At 15 and 45 minutes past the hour.
6. How soon after the conviction for driving while intoxicated by alcohol or drugs shall it be reported to the FAA, Civil Aviation Security Division?
A. No later than 60 days after the motor vehicle action.
B. Required to be reported upon renewal of medical certificate.
C. No later than 30 working days after the motor vehicle action.
7. Who is responsible for determining whether a pilot is fit to fly for a particular flight, even though he or she holds a current medical certificate?
A. The FAA.
B. The medical examiner.
C. The pilot.
8. The acute angle A is the angle of
A. attack.
B. incidence.
C. dihedral.
Final Exam Answers
1. The correct answer is C. Evaporation is the changing of liquid water to water vapor. As water vapor forms, it absorbs heat from the nearest available source. This heat exchange is known as the latent heat of evaporation. Similarly, sublimation is the changing of ice directly to water vapor, completely bypassing the liquid stage. (Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, page 11-13)
2. The correct answer is B. The use of an E6B, electronic calculator, or internet program to plug in the known values will help you find the unknown. In this example, there is a right crosswind, which is also a tailwind.
3. The correct answer is C. Bernoulli’s principle states, in part, that the internal pressure of a fluid (liquid or gas) decreases at points where the speed of the fluid increases. (Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, page 4-5)
4. The correct answer is A. The cumulus stage is the building stage, the mature stage begins as precipitation starts to fall, and the predominant downdrafts signal the dissipating stage of a thunderstorm. (Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, pages 11-16, 17)
5. The correct answer is A. Testing of a 121.5 MHz ELT may be accomplished during the first 5 minutes of any hour, and only while on the ground. Tests should only be long enough to verify the ELT is working properly, as normally just a few seconds are required to verify this. (Aeronautical Information Manual 6-2-4b)
6. The correct answer is A. FAR 61.15 requires the report within 60 days. It is important for pilots to remember that this report is required of any airman certificate holder, whether or not the pilot actually exercises the privileges of his pilot certificate.
7. The correct answer is C, of course. Prior to any flight, the pilot must self-assess to determine if he or she is medically fit to fly. How you feel is an important consideration to factor into any go/no go flight decision. FAR 61.53 covers pilot self-grounding.
8. The correct answer is A. The acute angle formed by the chord line of the wing, or airfoil, and the direction of the relative wind is the angle of attack. This angle may be changed by the pilot; whereas, the angles of incidence and dihedral are fixed in the design of the aircraft, and with rare exceptions, cannot be varied in flight. (Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, page 4-3)