Pamela M. SwansonMy CFI Jonathan Boes took that chance today! He endorsed my logbook for first solo! I am thrilled and grateful beyond words. I have read and re-read Flight Training articles on radios, landings, and handling CFIs and crosswinds for months. Thanks!
CFI Jonathan Boes cuts Pamela Swanson’s shirt after her solo.
Name: Will Vaughan-Jones
Age: 18
Event: CFI checkride
Where: Smith Reynolds Airport (INT), Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
Airplane: Piper Arrow II
My name is Will Vaughan-Jones and I am 18 years old. On August 18, 2015, I received my CFI at Smith Reynolds Airport in Winston Salem, North Carolina. My designated pilot examiner was David Lackey. I love flying and wish to continue developing into the best pilot I can be. My dream is to fly for American Airlines like my father.
Will Vaughan-Jones (right) and designated pilot examiner David Lackey.
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