Training Tips
With the proliferation of drones flying in all classes of airspace, general aviation pilots face a new collision-avoidance challenge as soon as they become airborne. "See and avoid" is more essential and more demanding of a pilot's attention because unmanned aircraft may appear where you'd least expect them—and where they may not belong. Read more...

Flight Training News
Login required
IFR training teaches pilots to focus on flying the airplane within precise parameters, but it often overlooks practical tips that could reduce workload. Become a better IFR pilot with the AOPA Air Safety Institute's new IFR Insights: A practical approach online course, and learn techniques and procedures that seasoned pilots, instructors, and air traffic controllers use. Take the course...
Warriors head to FlightSafety Academy
By the end of 2015, FlightSafety Academy will have 20 new Piper Warriors on the line, Piper Aircraft announced Oct. 9. "Our students will benefit from the training they receive using these well-equipped, efficient and reliable aircraft," FlightSafety Academy Manager Nancy Ritter said in a news release. According to Piper, the aircraft are equipped with the Garmin G500, GTN 650, and Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast. Five of the aircraft were delivered earlier in October during a ceremony at Piper's Florida factory. FlightSafety Academy is an arm of FlightSafety International.
K-State to open enclosed drone facility
Kansas State University's Salina campus will open a 300-foot-long by 200-foot-wide by 50-foot-tall unmanned aircraft systems pavilion on Oct. 21 during a ribbon-cutting ceremony. The UAS Pavilion "will enable both staff members and students to conduct flight training and research within steps of their lab space," according to a K-State article. The university's UAS program launched in 2009, and the new facility will allow UAS operations on site; previously UAS operations were not allowed at the campus because it is close to the Salina Regional Airport.
Learn best practices (and pitfalls to avoid) to create a successful environment for instructors and flight school operators during a Flight School Business webinar hosted by AOPA and the National Association of Flight Instructors. The webinar, scheduled for Oct. 20 at 8 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, will feature AOPA Flight Training Excellence Award-winning flight school owners and NAFI Hall of Fame instructors. Register today...

Tektober 2015
Flight Training feature
Unlike airspeed, angle of attack indicators give pilots a direct measure of lift—and that allows them to fly at the optimum wing angle despite varying aircraft weights, density altitudes, and flap and landing gear configurations. Learn more in this Flight Training feature...

AOPA Premier Partner sponsored content
Not everyone can afford a glass panel in their aircraft, but the iPad revolution means anyone can have a moving map and backup attitude indicator for less money than a new TV. Having that backup is one thing, but using it to replace the installed equipment is something else. Watch this short video by AOPA Premier Partner PilotWorkshops, take the one-question quiz, and see the expert analysis. Watch the video...

The Jeremy T. Monnett and Mike Clark memorial scholarships will each award $600 annually to Oshkosh, Wisconsin, area high school seniors who are pursuing a degree in aviation. Read more...

AOPA Live This Week
Rain didn't wash out the fun in Tullahoma, Tennessee, where more than 2,500 gathered for the final AOPA Fly-In of 2015. AOPA talks to one man who has attended every AOPA Fly-In since the association launched the events in 2014. Los Angeles police aviators can attest that drones are a serious problem, with sightings being logged daily at altitudes of 800 feet or more. Also this week, ride along as AOPA Pilot Editor at Large Tom Horne puts the new Cessna Citation Latitude through its paces. Watch AOPA Live This Week®, Oct. 15...

Plane Spotter
'Simply Y-X'
Why did experimental kitplane maker Sonex produce a lean aerobatic aircraft made striking in appearance by a tailwheel configuration and a Y (not a V) tail? "Because it just looks cool," Sonex says on the Web page for its Waiex model. The light sport Waiex mostly performs like the original two-seat, conventional-tailed Sonex. Sharp-eyed plane spotters will note that, unlike a V-tail airplane, the Waiex has a small, straight rudder aligned with the rear fuselage. When pointing this out, be sure to pronounce the aircraft's name correctly by simply saying "Y-X."
Training Products and Resources
PDF download
Why are there two magnetos? Is it okay to lean the engine below 3,000 feet? Should we worry when the carb heat drop is 300 rpm or more during runup? Get answers and some practical advice on treating your aircraft engine with the respect it deserves with the AOPA Air Safety Institute's Engine Operations Safety Advisor. Download the Safety Advisor...
Member Benefits
After watching 14 Red Bull Air Race pilots fly through pylons at speeds up to 230 knots at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway, celebrate the end of the action-packed season with them during a special AOPA-member tour. Read more...

Learn how to maintain good health and enjoy the continuing privileges of a current airman medical certificate during a webinar with AOPA Pilot Protection Services experts Dr. Warren Silberman, former manager of FAA Aerospace Medical Certification; Dr. Jonathan Sackier, a surgeon and aircraft owner; and Gary Crump, AOPA's director of medical certification services. The webinar will be Oct. 28 at 8 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. Register today...

Member benefit
Aircraft upgrades can cost thousands of dollars, but AOPA Aviation Finance can help by securing loans for members for engine overhauls, avionics upgrades, paint, and interior. Read more...

Career progression is a huge point of discussion among pilots. But what is it, and what exactly does it mean? It depends on the carrier, explains professional pilot and Flight Training blogger Chip Wright. Read more...

A California teacher who tried for three years to launch an aviation program at Canyon High School in Anaheim is reaping the benefits of his success. The school has a four-year program and purchased six simulators thanks to two separate grants. Opinion Leaders blogger Jolie Lucas takes you inside the program. Read more...

Instrument Tip
Pilot Protection Services
The FAA recently clarified what constitutes a "loggable" instrument approach. Find out what conditions must be met to log approaches for currency requirements. Read more...

As NextGen approaches are coming online, legacy navaids are signing off—sometimes more quickly than the FAA's system keeps up with the changes. It would be a rude shock to plan an IFR flight in an aircraft with a /U equipment suffix when a more updated navigation capability is required in weather at the destination. Read more...

Final Exam
You are planning a VFR flight through Class E airspace and notice that terminal aerodrome forecasts (TAFs) indicate there will be different cloud layers along your route. You will be flying below 10,000 feet msl. What minimum distance from the clouds must you maintain?
You are required to keep a distance of at least 500 feet below, 1,000 feet above, and 2,000 feet horizontally from clouds. (Source: FAR 91.155.)
Did you know that student pilots who join AOPA are three times more likely to complete their flight training? Membership includes unlimited access to aviation information by phone (800/USA-AOPA, weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern time) or from Flight Training Online or AOPA Online. Got a question for our technical services staff? Contact AOPA.
Career Opportunities
Aviation job board
Cirrus Aircraft is seeking a marketing automation specialist. The successful candidate will be a strategic thinker who has strong analytical skills, is organized, and is focused on results. Applicants must have a strong understanding of marketing processes including campaign execution, QA testing, and conversion measurement. The ideal candidate will have three or more years of CRM and marketing automation experience. Read the full job description...
AOPA career opportunities
Ever dream of turning your passion for aviation into a career? We're looking for an account executive; human resources coordinator; legal services plan specialist; payroll technician; database developer; aviation event planner; manager of aviation safety programs; ambassador—Texas; director of aviation security; director of media relations; and director of regulatory affairs.To learn more about other AOPA career opportunities, visit AOPA Online.
Education and Seminars
Flight Instructor Refresher Courses
Oct 17-18 - Wichita, Kansas; and Santa Clara, California
Oct 24-25 - Corpus Christi, Texas
Nov 7-8 - Atlanta Georgia; and San Diego, California
Nov 14-15 - Ashburn, Virginia; Austin, Texas; Albuquerque, New Mexico; and Anchorage, Alaska
For a complete schedule, see AOPA Online. Can't make it in person? Sign up for the Air Safety Institute's Online eFIRC.
Air Safety Institute Safety Seminars
Oct 19 - Northbrook, Illinois
Oct 20 - Lisle, Illinois; and Greenville, South Carolina
Oct 21 - Columbus, Georgia; East Peoria, Illinois; and Frederick, Maryland
Oct 22 - Huntsville, Alabama; Rockford, Illinois; and Salisbury, Maryland
Topics vary—for details and a complete schedule, see AOPA Online.
Rusty Pilot Seminars
Oct 17 - Waukegan, Illinois; and Carlsbad, California
Oct 24 - Santa Paula, California; Swanton, Vermont; and Burlington, Washington
Nov 7 - Auburn, California
Nov 14 - Bethlehem, Pennsylvania; Ashland, Virginia; and New Orleans, Louisiana
For a complete schedule, see AOPA Online.
ePilot Flight Training Editors:
Alyssa Miller
Jim Moore
David Tulis
Production Assistant:
Melissa Whitehouse
Mike Collins
Sarah Deener
Dave Hirschman
Tom Horne
Alton K. Marsh
Warren Morningstar
Dan Namowitz
Jill W. Tallman
Ian J. Twombly
Julie Summers Walker