Name: Clay Bryan
Age: 44
Event: Private pilot checkride
Where: Charleston, South Carolina
Airplane: Cessna 172
In addition to having the time of my life, I was able to solo on the last day—I believe I became the first and only pilot in roughly 30 years to solo in a seaplane with no prior flight experience [at Jack Brown’s]. I was hooked so I began flying Cessnas in Charleston, South Carolina, the day after I got home from Florida. I haven’t stopped since, and have no intentions of doing so anytime soon. I was lucky to have found outstanding CFIs in Eric Christiansen (Florida) and Robin Bowers (South Carolina), which helped make the journey manageable and fun. I highly recommend all pilots reading this in Flight Training magazine (which I look forward to reading every month) to visit Jack Brown’s for at least one visit, because there is nothing like a perfect landing—on water—and the seaplanes don’t even have radios.”