Name: Brittany Riser
Age: 17
Event: Private pilot checkride
Where: Apple Valley Airport (APV), Apple Valley, California
Airplane: Cessna 172
It was very rewarding to achieve this goal. All of those hours of studying and flying have finally paid off, and I now feel more confident than ever!
Name: Cameron Buchheister
Age: 17
Event: Private pilot checkride
Where: Crystal River-Captain Tom Davis Field (CGC), Crystal River, Florida
Airplane: Cessna 172
I live in Pennsylvania, but I do all of my flying out of Florida because my Grandad owns an airplane here. I missed six days of school to prepare for my checkride, and it was a very strenuous week. I was very nervous, and my examiner recognized that as soon as I sat down. The oral exam was long, but I performed well. During the test we took off from Crystal River Airport with a 30-degree crosswind, 11 knots gusting to 17 knots. We flew to Dunnelon/Marion County Airport and I performed my landings and maneuvers with varying/gusting winds. The examiner told me that I handled the winds very well and that I passed the test. I felt absolutely ecstatic when I heard the word ‘pass.’ This has been my greatest accomplishment so far. My Mommom and Grandad were waiting on the ground and they jumped with joy when I gave them a thumb’s up. It took a while to sink in. It kept hitting me all day like, ‘Wow, I’m a pilot now, that’s pretty cool.’
Cameron Buchheister (left) with his grandfather, John Buchheister.