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Success Stories

It was very rewarding

Success Stories

Name: Brittany Riser
Age: 17
Event: Private pilot checkride
Where: Apple Valley Airport (APV), Apple Valley, California
Airplane: Cessna 172

It was very rewarding to achieve this goal. All of those hours of studying and flying have finally paid off, and I now feel more confident than ever!

Success StoriesName: Cameron Buchheister
Age: 17
Event: Private pilot checkride
Where: Crystal River-Captain Tom Davis Field (CGC), Crystal River, Florida
Airplane: Cessna 172

I live in Pennsylvania, but I do all of my flying out of Florida because my Grandad owns an airplane here. I missed six days of school to prepare for my checkride, and it was a very strenuous week. I was very nervous, and my examiner recognized that as soon as I sat down. The oral exam was long, but I performed well. During the test we took off from Crystal River Airport with a 30-degree crosswind, 11 knots gusting to 17 knots. We flew to Dunnelon/Marion County Airport and I performed my landings and maneuvers with varying/gusting winds. The examiner told me that I handled the winds very well and that I passed the test. I felt absolutely ecstatic when I heard the word ‘pass.’ This has been my greatest accomplishment so far. My Mommom and Grandad were waiting on the ground and they jumped with joy when I gave them a thumb’s up. It took a while to sink in. It kept hitting me all day like, ‘Wow, I’m a pilot now, that’s pretty cool.’

Cameron Buchheister (left) with his grandfather, John Buchheister.

AOPA Flight Training staff
AOPA Flight Training Staff editors are experienced pilots and flight instructors dedicated to supporting student pilots, pilots, and flight instructors in lifelong learning.

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