The first quarterly Captain Jepp Challenge kicks off July 26 at EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, and runs until Sept. 30. New challenges will launch in October and January, giving pilots the opportunity to participate and enter for a chance to win a gift card or trip to AirVenture 2017.
Elrey Borge Jeppesen, whose pilot certificate was signed by Orville Wright in 1929, sought to improve aviation safety while he was an airmail pilot. So, he started designing charts for himself. “He drew diagrams and climbed smokestacks and other obstacles on his days off and measured their height with a sensitive altimeter. All this information went into Jeppesen's little black book. Other pilots heard about it and wanted copies. Jepp provided them,” Ralph Butcher wrote in “Instrument approach charts: Jeppesen charts,” chronicling the rise of the now ubiquitous charts.
The Captain Jepp Challenge continues the founder’s dedication to safety.
“The Captain Jepp Challenge combines the legacy of Captain Elrey B. Jeppesen providing flight critical navigation information with the philosophy of continuously elevating aviator skills,” said Jeppesen Director of General Aviation Client Management Reggie Arsenault. “We are creating an environment that encourages commitment to enhancing flight safety and rewards pilots for sharpening their knowledge.”
Jeppesen, AOPA’s newest strategic partner, also powers the AOPA Flight Planner and sponsors the Barnstormers Party at the association’s fly-ins across the country.