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Vote in the AOPA Flight Training Excellence Poll

Help support your instructor or school

AOPA is once again giving pilots a chance to nominate their favorite flight instructor and flight school in the Flight Training Excellence Poll. And if you’re at EAA AirVenture this week in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, we’ve made it easier than ever to participate.
Stop by and see AOPA's Chris Moser and vote for your flight school or instructor in the AOPA Flight Training Excellence Poll.

Follow the road to the bright yellow Yingling Ascend 172 in front of the AOPA tent at the show and stop in to share your feedback at the official poll voting booth.

Poll results from the show and those gathered online are the basis for AOPA’s annual Flight Training Excellence Awards. This year AOPA also is offering each school and instructor that receives enough poll completions a detailed feedback report card they can use to improve their operations, teaching styles, and so on. “The poll is a way for pilots to help improve and recognize their flight school,” said Chris Moser, senior manager of flight training initiatives at AOPA.

To participate you’ll only need 15 minutes for the school poll, and 10 minutes and the last four numbers of your instructor’s certificate number for the instructor poll at the end. Don't have your instructor's certificate number? Come by to grab an “I voted” sticker and sign up to receive an email reminder from Moser after the show so that you can put in your CFI's number.

If you complete a poll, you’ll be entered in a contest to win gear and training from Jeppesen, Sporty’s, Aircraft Spruce and Specialty, or PilotWorkshops. “Do your civic duty and vote where it really matters,” Moser said.

Ian J. Twombly
Ian J. Twombly
Ian J. Twombly is senior content producer for AOPA Media.
Topics: EAA AirVenture, Training and Safety, Training and Safety

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