Ben Robyns, 11, is no beginner when it comes to drones. With three years’ experience, he’s moved up to a Parrot drone and has his eye on more sophisticated drones—after he gets more flying experience so he won’t crash it, “and blow $500.”
“I’ve been flying them to see how it looks over houses. It’s kind of fun doing that. I’ve been flying them up and down the street and taking videos of that,” the fifth grader said.
His first two drones were cheap ones bought off of, and they broke.
Ben’s father played a role in encouraging him, given that he flies for Southwest. “My dad’s a pilot—that’s part of the reason. The second reason is I’m a Boy Scout and I had a camping trip to the AOPA headquarters and camped in a field.” During the camp-out he learned he can solo a glider when he is 14.
“I like science. That sounds cool. Chemistry is really fun and I think the human body sounds cool.” Maybe he ends up being a doctor and approving his dad’s flight physical?